10 lesser-known traffic mistakes that can result in fines

10 lesser-known traffic mistakes that can result in fines

Not the most common thing the police issues a fine for.

It goes without saying that you must not drive against a red light, or press too hard on the gas. But there are a number of other traffic offenses that are less well known and that can lead to fines.

These are not just lesser-known offenses to the public. They are also misdemeanors that are rarely fined.

– It is not the top five that we write fines for, as Richard Nilsson, traffic police and operational coordinator at region west, says.

An example is the warning triangle. It is not only during the inspection that it must be in place.

– If we report the speed, it is usually not a problem. But when it costs SEK 500 not to carry a warning triangle, people usually say “I didn’t know that”, says Richard Nilsson.

The warning triangle must be included – and positioned correctly. Photo: Niklas Carle

A quick look at the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s list of fines reveals a number of other traffic offenses that are less well known. Or how about “failure to take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized use of the vehicle by another” which can result in a fine of SEK 2,000?

Richard Nilsson helps to concretize the formulation. He takes as an example when you are at the recycling station, run and do some quick shopping or pick up children from preschool. The occasions when you leave the car unlocked with the key still in the lock and do not supervise it.

– Then it is quite easy for someone unauthorized, for example a child, to go off and that leads to an accident. It is not talked about much and there are not that many people who are fined for it, says Richard Nilsson.

– It’s not like we go around looking for ordinary people who throw away rubbish.

Leaving the key in the car can be a bad idea Рfor several reasons. Photo: Anki Sydeg̴rd

He brings up another common phenomenon that is not allowed, according to the traffic regulations: Extra lights mounted at the front, trucks, for example, have a penchant for too many lights.

– It is an illegal thing, he says.

But even ordinary passenger cars can have glowing low beams or lights in ramps, which are not allowed.

– When they drive there are position lights and it is forbidden, says Richard Nilsson.

– We only attack clear deviations from what is permitted on the road. Occasionally, both blue and red position lights are installed and also some switchovers of blinkers, which we often fine.

10 lesser known offenses and the fines they can lead to
Category Offense Maximum fine
Obligations in the event of traffic accidents Failure in the event of a traffic accident to notify the injured party or the police SEK 1,200
Location of the vehicle on the road Unused lane on the far right SEK 500
Speed Without valid reason drove at an excessively low speed, braked suddenly or in any other way impeded the driving of other drivers SEK 500
Staying and parking Failure to take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized use of vehicle by another SEK 2,000
Staying and parking Opened door or other device on vehicle so that danger or unnecessary inconvenience occurs SEK 1,000
Common provisions Causing unnecessary noise by motor vehicle or unnecessary emission of exhaust fumes in such quantity as to cause nuisance SEK 1,000
Lighting journey on road Displaying a light other than white or yellow forward on a vehicle while driving or unauthorized display of a white light backwards or unauthorized use of a lighting device with flashing lights on a vehicle SEK 500
Stopping and parking on the road Failure to display warning triangle SEK 800
Stopping and parking on the road Incorrect type or placement of warning triangle SEK 500
Clear road etc. for certain traffic Broken or otherwise obstructed column or procession SEK 1,000
Source: The Public Prosecutor’s Office

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