24h Le Mans: Mick Schumacher optimistic

Mick: “That makes me fit – also for Formula 1”
24h Le Mans: Mick Schumacher optimistic

Mick Schumacher will be driving the 24 Hours of Le Mans for Alpine this weekend. In this interview he talks about the legendary race and his goal.

Mick Schumacher, you are driving in the 24 Hours of Le Mans for the first time this weekend. How special is that for you?Mick Schumacher: As a child and teenager, I never followed Le Mans. I was always fully focused on Formula 1. But I see the passion of the teams and fans here, which really impresses me. Nevertheless, for me it is not so different from, for example, a Formula 1 race in Hockenheim. When I was there in the Ferrari When I was able to drive a few laps in my father’s car, it was a fantastic feeling for me. I still don’t have an emotional connection to Le Mans.

Your father finished fifth here in the Sauber-Mercedes Group C in 1991.Yes, but Formula 1 was always his goal and my goal. That’s why his appearance in Le Mans never played such a big role for me.

You start the race from ninth place, your sister car was even sixth in the Hyperpole qualifying. How does your Alpine on the high-speed circuit in Le Mans?You can tell that the car was built for this track. It was clear from the start that we wanted to concentrate on the highlight in Le Mans. The car was basically turned inside out for this. You can feel that now. I am very satisfied and optimistic.

What role does teamwork play in sports cars? You share a car with two other drivers. In Formula 1, on the other hand, you were more of a lone fighter.That’s not entirely true and is often misunderstood. Behind the scenes in Formula 1, there is a lot of teamwork that you just don’t see on Netflix. Even between teammates. My teammate at the time, Kevin Magnussen, for example, had previously driven sports car races and brought a lot of that with him. So we already worked very well as a team in Formula 1. That’s why I didn’t find it difficult to communicate freely with my teammates here either, because in the end it helps us all and the car progress. But as I said: That was the case in Formula 1 too.

Mick Schumacher will be driving the 24 Hours of Le Mans for Alpine this weekend.

Image: DPPI / WEC

Mick Schumacher: The goal remains Formula 1

And how does a hypercar drive compared to a Formula 1 car?Formula 1 is the premier class and therefore the best thing for a driver. Nevertheless, my Alpine is great. But compared to Formula 1, it lacks a bit of power and a bit of downforce. I just did a test in the Formula 1 Mercedes in Barcelona: it’s just so much fun. That’s why my goal remains Formula 1. But at the moment I’m enjoying Le Mans and the Sports Car World Championship and am trying to develop myself as a driver here too.

What can you take with you from here into your future, which may also lie in Formula 1 again?A lot, actually. The whole tire management, traffic management, when do I take which risk? Decisions under pressure are also very important in Formula 1. Then there is the strategy, which I as a driver have to think about a lot myself: What makes sense? Push or save the car? How does the driver feel? Tires Do I have to save it for my teammates or can I push it harder? I have to think about things like that while I’m driving. That keeps me mentally fit – also for a possible return to Formula 1.

In a 24-hour race, consistency counts more than pure speed: to what extent do you drive at the limit in Le Mans?It depends on the situation. There are definitely moments when we push 100 percent. But of course there are also moments when we hold back. In the first twelve hours we will probably only drive 80 percent, because it only really counts after that. At the same time we have to be fast enough to stay within reach of the leaders during yellow phases. It will be a real game of strategy.

Will you take time out and sleep in between?Absolutely. I live in Camper and I need my sleep (laughs). My teammates said it gets pretty loud, also because of the parties. But then I just put earplugs in.

What would you be satisfied with in the end?When I have managed to perform to my absolute best.

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