The technology that makes the car’s cruise control “hallucinate”

The technology that makes the car’s cruise control “hallucinate”

By tricking the car’s radar sensors, researchers at an American university can make the car cross for no reason, or hide a real traffic obstacle.

New cars with various types of assistance systems often use radar technology to keep track of other cars nearby. But it is easy to fool the radar sensors using false signals.

This is shown by a study carried out by researchers at Duke University in the USA and which the newspaper Ny Teknik writes about.

The system developed by the researchers is called Madradar and can cause a car to brake and swerve to the edge of the road without another car being nearby. The technology can also be used to hide real cars.

With this technology, no prior knowledge of how the car’s radar system works or is set is needed. Radar interference has been around for a long time, but what is new about the Madradar method is that the researchers did practical tests under real conditions.

– We are not building these systems to harm anyone, but we want to draw attention to the problems with today’s radar systems to show that their design needs to change fundamentally, says Miroslav Pajic, Associate Professor at Duke University.

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