How to sell your car online?

Do you want to sell your car? There are now quite a few different ways to sell a car, and this can make car sales a complex affair.

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How to sell your car online?

If you find car sales a challenging task, you’re far from the only one. It can be difficult to decide how to sell the car, what the price should be and how quickly the sale should go.

In recent years, it has become more popular to use online agents to help with car sales. Several newer players make this possible and aim to make car sales easier and more manageable for you as a car owner. In this article we describe how you can start your car sales online.

Online car valuation and sales

First, it makes sense to look at what an online car sale actually entails. Because how is it possible to sell your car online? The questions are in a queue – and it’s all understandable. It is only in recent years that it has really become popular to sell cars online.

Although it is not immediately apparent from the words ‘online car sales’, the entire process does not take place online. An online car sale typically covers a car sale which starts online. This can be by obtaining a quote or creating a sales ad.

After that, there will usually be one or more elements that are not online. The car must be inspected and collected – either by a private buyer or a car dealer.

But why actually start your car sales online? Why has it become so popular? The digital tools for car sales make it easier to be a private car seller. With digital tools, you can start your car sale when it suits you. You can also sell your car quickly and safely at a fair price.

Online car sales to dealer

If you want an online car sale where the buyer is a professional dealer, it can be done through On, you do not have to create an ad for your car. Instead, you must enter your car’s information and your contact information, after which your car will be assessed.

Within 24 hours you will receive an e-mail and SMS with an offer price for your car. In the same message, you have the option to book an appointment for an inspection locally at one of’s dealers. For the inspection, the dealer will, among other things, inspect your car for any damage – then sell it if you wish.

This means that it can be sold already a day after the assessment and the dealer takes care of all the practicalities incl. cancellation of insurance and number plates.

This type of car sale does not give as much say in either the price or the process as you have with a private car sale on Bilbasen. In return, you are guaranteed a fast and efficient sales process, where you don’t have to wait for weeks for a response from potential buyers.

At you trade with professional dealers and are thus assured of a professional trade. In addition, it is both free and non-binding to use, and you can freely choose when you want an offer and possibly sales, so it suits you best. does the work for you so you can enjoy a hassle-free and fast car trade.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling your car online

Advantage Disadvantages
– It is free and non-binding
– You are guaranteed a sale
– You can sell the car quickly
– You sell to professionals and are in safe hands
– You cannot price the car yourself
– You may be able to get a slightly lower price for the car by entrusting the work to others

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