More than 1 billion euros worth of Chinese EVs in the Netherlands

More than 1 billion euros worth of Chinese EVs in the Netherlands

EVs from China are happy to come to the Netherlands!

Electric cars are hot. Everyone is talking about the fact that growth is not continuing as fast as it should, but in the meantime, sales of EVs are still continuing steadily. In many cases they simply become more and more interesting. It doesn’t even have to do with tax measures, an EV still has sufficient allure for the car buyer even without government support. It is clear that the Netherlands is an interesting country for EV driving.

Besides a little bit of government interference, there is an excellent charging network. The straight roads with few height differences and low speeds also make the EV an interesting option. But electric cars are not only interesting to bring to the Netherlands for the end consumer, but also for transit. This is reported by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

EVs from China popular in the Netherlands

In this case it specifically concerns EVs from China. More and more cars are being built in that country and they are also doing well when it comes to EVs. What is called: in a short time we have welcomed a whole list of new brands. They all have to come to Europe and it turns out: the Netherlands is the third largest destination for Chinese brands.

The vast majority of EVs from China that enter the Netherlands are not equipped with yellow plates. They only enter via the Netherlands and go from our Cold Frog Country to their final destination. With 1 billion euros worth of EVs from China, China ranks third among countries from which EVs come to the Netherlands.

Germany and Belgium

Logically, numbers 2 and 1 are the neighboring countries. Number 1 is our eastern neighbors. From Germany, 4.3 billion worth of EVs were shipped through our country, an increase of 50%. Belgium is at number 2, probably because of the car port in Zeebrugge.

We are now talking about electric cars, but that is ‘only’ 22% of all cars in use in our country and 15% are (plug-in) hybrids. However, the share of EVs is rising very rapidly and petrol and especially diesel cars are losing market share.



  1. panam1 say

    Yesterday it was announced that the network of German manufacturers will stop three battery factories and a 4th is being considered. Now that subsidy taps / tax benefits are being scaled back everywhere in Europe, it appears that people are no longer very keen on electric driving. Sales fell 23% last month and, according to forecasts, this will rise to around 40/45 percent. You would start to think that people just don’t like electric driving and only do it for the sake of their wallet.

  2. 814Diecast say

    Great for the Dutch economy!

    Unfortunately, for me, “the private car buyer”, the EV is still not interesting.

    – too expensive to purchase
    – too uncertain in terms of residual value
    – unusable in large parts of Europe, due to a lack of infrastructure. I don’t want to charge slowly or go on a charging station quest.
    – I don’t want to wait in line with the obligatory “cup of coffee”
    – We have 1 car, I don’t want a commute plus a holiday cart in the driveway
    – The designs are (except for a few) hideous (taste…)

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