ADAC: Home contents insurance and protection letters now also for home

ADAC expands insurance offering to households with Allianz
ADAC: Home contents insurance and protection letters now also for home

The ADAC has long wanted to be more than just a car club. In view of the question marks surrounding the future of private motorised transport, the commercial branch of the ADAC is looking for new business areas.

(dpa/Car Whiz/KI) The ADAC is expanding its insurance offering and is once again cooperating with Allianz. In a newly founded joint venture, ADAC Zuhause Versicherung AG, the automobile club now also offers home contents insurance and protection letters that are based on traditional breakdown assistance. These products are available to both members and non-members.

The expansion into the home contents insurance market is based on the consideration that many of the 41 million households in Germany are home to ADAC members who are already familiar with the club’s mobility services. Sascha Herwig, CEO of ADAC Zuhause Versicherung AG, emphasizes the proximity to the existing services: The company plans to send tradesmen and emergency services to the insured’s homes in an emergency, similar to the way it does in the case of car breakdowns.

ADAC cooperates with Allianz

To date, ADAC has primarily been associated with products relating to cars, travel and tourism in the insurance sector, including travel cancellation and international health insurance. The cooperation with Allianz has existed since 2019 and previously included a joint company for car insurance. This second joint venture is now entering a new business area that involves opening up new market segments due to the expected decline in private motorised transport in the coming decades.

Allianz also sees great potential in the expanded partnership. Frank Sommerfeld, CEO of Allianz Versicherungs-AG, referred to the success of the first joint venture, the ADAC Car insurancewhich already has over a million customers. He hopes that the new products and services for the home will be just as successful. Responsibilities within the partnership are clearly distributed: While the ADAC takes care of product development, marketing and sales, Allianz focuses on risk calculation, finance and claims processing.

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