ANWB puts a stop to charging station fines

ANWB puts a stop to charging station fines

Thanks to the ANWB, you can now simply use a charging station, provided it is night time.

Charging station sticking is of course not done, but sometimes it is a bit lame if you are suddenly confronted with high blocking rates or charging station sticking fines. Especially during night hours.

The ANWB also disagrees with this and that is why they have taken action. In the ANWB Laadpas app they are now introducing a so-called ‘Auto-stop function’. This automatically ends the charging session when the car is full and thus you avoid the blocking rate. Even if your car is still there.

Can you just keep a charging station occupied all day? No, because the Auto-stop function only works at night, between 23:00 and 07:00. During this period, the ANWB considers a charging station sticker fine to be unreasonable. They have no problem with a blocking rate during the day.

Apart from the fact that this is a useful function, the ANWB also wants to make a statement with this. If it were up to them, night-time blocking rates would be a thing of the past. They have already convinced Allego to abolish this and only apply the blocking rate after 4 hours. The hope now is that other charging station operators will follow suit.

Photo: an Audi R8 at the charging station, spotted by @porschepet


  1. petrol drinker say

    “The hope now is that other charging station operators will follow suit.” Because? You keep one of the few charging stations in a neighbourhood occupied while you don’t need it, and others are inconvenienced by it, so just issue a hefty fine regardless of the time

  2. mashal say

    The charging station operator sells electricity and the parking lot operator rents out the parking space and determines the parking rates. A charging station operator who also charges blocking rates is overstepping his mark. Blocking rates is something that the government should simply ban. It is a good thing that the ANWB does not go along with this greed of the charging card and charging station operators.

  3. ghost say

    Ridiculous action by ANWB. Because of work I often come home late and then often find 4 occupied charging bays, several of which are already flashing green and are therefore 80% or more full (otherwise blue). In 85% of the cases, it is hybrid drivers who have elevated the charging spot in the residential area to their own personal private parking space (because there is also a general shortage of parking spaces..). In essence, they also need the charging spot the least because they still have a fuel reserve, and although that does not mean that they are not allowed to charge, I personally think that this group of people also makes the least effort to move the car for someone else.

  4. nitpicking say

    If you are only interested in yourself, you will not care if you unnecessarily occupy a charging spot. Anyone with a little social skills ensures that their electric car only occupies a charging spot for as long as it is actually necessary to charge. But try explaining that to the me-me audience, who usually do not get any further than knowing their/her/x (alleged) rights and have no idea what their/her/x obligations are . . .

  5. fapfap say

    Really?? It’s new that the charging session is automatically terminated when the car is full?

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