Bargain trap: How to recognize fake shops for car tires

Tips for safe online shopping
Bargain trap: How to recognize fake shops for car tires

If you want to order car tires online, you should be careful: there are numerous fake shops on the internet. Here are some tips.

Online shopping has many advantages. That is why more and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity to shop online. This also applies to car owners who are looking for new Tires Because you can definitely save money on your own car online. And the trade in tires in the virtual world is booming.

But there are always nasty surprises, because providers lure customers with great offers, usually for popular and high-quality products. But behind them are often fake shops that are only after customers’ money.

The Hamburg Consumer Advice Center is currently warning that “dubious shops are springing up like mushrooms.”

The nasty thing is that fake shops are not always recognizable as such at first glance. However, it is already noticeable when the only payment method offered is advance bank transfer or credit card.

If there is no imprint, all alarm bells should ring. If you pay anyway, you will usually remain silent and the money will usually be gone. Of course, there will be no goods.

But the experts give tips on how to protect yourself.

Always be suspicious and alert

You should be careful if a website offers products at exceptionally low prices that you cannot find with other providers. You should therefore ask yourself why this shop sells the items so much cheaper than the competition. It is also worth taking a close look at the site’s imprint. If important information about the operator is missing or there is no imprint at all, you should definitely refrain from making a purchase. A Google search can also help, as people may have already fallen for the shop.

If you are looking for quality tires, you should be careful online.

Image: Continental

You can also check on the register portal whether the company is actually registered under the specified commercial register number. Simply enter the number without the addition “HRB” in the corresponding field. If it turns out that the number is invalid, you should definitely not place an order.

Quality seals offer additional security

Trustworthy seals of approval such as Safer Shopping or Trusted Shops offer additional security. On the websites of these seal providers, you can enter the URL of the shop and check whether the certificate is genuine. If a shop uses the Trusted Shops seal, you should click on it: You can only be sure that it is a reputable provider if there is a working link to the certification page.

However, if you have already ordered and paid in a fake shop without receiving the goods, you should contact your own credit institution as soon as possible to arrange a chargeback. You should also file a criminal complaint with the police immediately.

If you are looking for tires: The consumer advice center specifically warns against the following fake shops.


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