BMW: separate lane for electric cars

BMW: separate lane for electric cars

Great! Until everyone has an electric car and a separate lane doesn’t work anymore.

As true prestige, driving in your own lane, while the people have to use the regular lanes for cars with emissions. Ugh! If it were up to Milan Nedeljković, the highest boss of production at BMW, there would be a separate lane for electric cars on the highway.

Free parking in the city

This crazy idea is certainly not the first time it has been suggested. It was D66 that came up with a similar proposal in 2023. Another idea from Nedeljković is to make parking free for electric cars in the city. That idea has also been discussed more often in recent years. Is this production manager secretly applying for a job as a politician? The statements were recorded by Münchner Merkur.

Measures to make electric cars more attractive. Perhaps Nedeljković should ask the question the other way around. Aren’t electric cars good enough that they need all those advantages to become attractive? Aren’t electric cars the progress we’ve all been waiting for? Questions, questions.

According to the production boss, preferential treatment for electric cars should ensure that people switch from ICE to EV more quickly. These measures should be an alternative to the EU plan to ban the sale of cars with a combustion engine by 2035.

No subsidy

Coming up with all sorts of fun ideas to make electric cars more attractive sounds nice. However, these are temporary actions. The whole point of a separate lane is of course gone if a large proportion of people actually switch to an electric car. Interestingly enough, Nedeljković is not a fan of a purchase subsidy for an EV, which we have seen in Europe in recent years. Including the Netherlands, but that will also end after this year.


  1. Allison Burgers say

    And then you can drive up front in your Dacia Spring with 45 hp. 🙂

  2. wateriswet say

    The carrot is just as horrible and wrong as the stick. Some people never learn that.

    • audirs3 say

      @waterisnat In a perfect society you wouldn’t need all that. Unfortunately most people are just very selfish and antisocial. That’s why we need a deposit on bottles to hopefully prevent people from throwing them out of their car windows.
      You can also stimulate the economy, for example, dual-income couples are encouraged to continue working as much as possible after having children through childcare allowances.
      I would shudder at your scenario of abolishing all ‘carrots and sticks’

  3. gilettelubbers say

    Great idea, but as far to the right as possible so that it doesn’t bother me

  4. art say

    That’s how it was/is in Norway too. Sometimes you’re allowed on the bus lane with your EV.
    Costs little and provides an advantage.

    Unfortunately, we have few places where this can really provide an advantage

  5. O plate say

    Even then, this wouldn’t convince me.

  6. audirs3 say

    I think the comment that EVs should sell themselves is a bit outdated. Sometimes you have to guide the population a bit as a government. Otherwise we would still have asbestos-containing materials, leaded petrol, CFC-containing aerosols that damage the ozone layer, no mandatory seat belts or ABS or other safety measures, etc. etc.
    An EV simply uses its energy much more efficiently (less CO2) and does not emit nitrogen or particulate matter. Enough reason to stimulate this, or discourage the alternative. And that it works, you can see in countries like Norway and also our own little frog country.

  7. Robert say

    I just had a flashback to the phenomenon of the ‘carpool lane’. Also such an incredibly big political failure.

    Donkey + rock = 2 pushes.

    • Allison Burgers say

      In France they have combined it for some routes. You have a special lane for carpoolers (whether or not in an ICE) and EVs. Recognizable by a kind of Renault-diamond on the signs.

  8. petrol drinker say

    It is quite sad, coming from a brand that had the slogan “freude am fahren” for years, and had beautiful 6 inline engines, that they would now suggest something like this….

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