BMW’s new old idea – to save the internal combustion engine

BMW’s new old idea – to save the internal combustion engine

With the help of an ancient technology that was used in old diesel engines, BMW is to lower consumption and emissions in new petrol cars.

Despite a major investment in electric cars, BMW is one of the car manufacturers that most loudly criticized the EU’s new ban on combustion engines, which will be introduced in 2035. In the coming years, BMW will launch several new models with regular gasoline and diesel engines.

But the engines of the future may not work exactly as they do today. BMW has applied for patent protection on a new type of internal combustion engine that uses a technology that has been “retired” for a long time, writes German Auto Motor und Sport.

The idea is to use a so-called pre-chamber during combustion, which is connected to the large combustion chamber. A mixture of fuel and air is fed into the pre-chamber and ignited with a special spark plug.

With the new technology, consumption and emissions should be reduced compared to today. Pre-chambers used to be used in diesel engines to improve low-speed efficiency, reduce noise levels and provide smoother running, but at BMW the idea is to use it in petrol engines instead.

As usual with patent applications, it is not determined that the technology will be used, or even if it will work.

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