Boss doesn’t want you to come to work in your old car

Boss doesn’t want you to come to work in your old car

Obtaining a lease car has never been easier.

It’s July 1st. This means that things will traditionally change again. Your internet subscription has undoubtedly become more expensive and the supermarket has to say no if you want to score butts. There is also news in the automotive field. Large companies often already did it, but now it is mandatory: the employer must keep track of how employees travel to work.

Employer monitors CO2 emissions

The measure only applies to companies with one hundred employees or more. The objective of this rule is to identify an employee’s CO2 emissions. So your boss may ask which car you come to work in. If you show up at the office every day in your Dodge RAM, you are quite a thorn in the side of a company’s CO2 targets. If the employer complains to you, you can immediately demand a lease car, because yes. You still have to come to work.

Employers from large companies would prefer to see their staff arrive at work in an electric car, public transport or bicycle. Then CO2 emissions are low or even zero. Employees with an old or a big box may emit quite a bit. Working from home or an electric lease car can help reduce those emissions.

It’s purely about CO2 emissions from commuting. That business flight to Singapore that your boss told you to take won’t be included in the data.

Measures in response to CO2 emissions are not really being taken yet. With the zero point on July 1, it is mainly mapping data. In the long term, however, you should not be surprised if the employer suddenly comes up with all kinds of mobility plans.

From now until 2027, the figures will only be kept up to date. After that, they will look at possible targets to reduce CO2 emissions.

So, in addition to keeping track of the kilometers traveled, the boss also wants to know whether you do this by public transport, bicycle or car. In the latter case, they would also like to know what kind of car, so that the CO2 meter can be placed next to it. Not in the mood for this nonsense? Enjoy working at a company with fewer than 100 employees. Then you avoid the dance (for the time being).

Photo: Alpina B10 via @bassssss row1photography on Car Whiz Spots

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