Call to new Dutch cabinet: clarity for years!

Call to new Dutch cabinet: clarity for years!

The Bovag asks, no begs, no demands, clarity and lasting policy for the coming years… please?

Nothing is as changeable as national politics. We are allowed to drive 120, no 130, oh no 100 and now we may go back to 130. We all have to drive an almost free Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, encourage EVs or no longer.

The Bovag sees the new extreme radical right extra-parliamentary cabinet is already in a bad mood again. The Rutte period was not really a period of stable and consistent policy, but with this outline agreement and experimental cabinet, the Bovag fears the worst.

Cabinet Plasterk I is going to introduce and reverse all kinds of nice things and then just one more extreme radical left majority cabinet is led by Timmerfrans or Klaver (or god forbid Jan Paternotte) then everything will be different again. But of course you can always ask.


That is why today the Bovag is calling for clarity in the long term. Then Bovag members can sell cars as normal again and EV drivers continue to benefit from a discount on motor vehicle tax.

Bovag is constructive and congratulates the four negotiators for surviving this phase and for an agreement to be reached. The trade organization is pleased with the intention of the new team of ministers to keep mobility affordable, to continue investing in infrastructure and to maintain the weight correction for EVs for the MRB.

Wish list

Furthermore, Bovag also immediately submits a wish list. We would also like a weight correction for plug-in hybrids and do not abolish the subsidy for electric cars now, because then members will no longer lose those cars to the paving stones. Free money is always good.

Consistency in policy

The Bovag’s call for clarity, permanent and multi-year policy reads a bit like a desperate appeal from the trade association. If a government works energetically, introduces all kinds of things but also abolishes existing policies, there is no question of a reliable government.

De Bovag asks, almost begs, to finally draw up a policy that citizens and entrepreneurs can count on and act on.

Sympathetic appeal, but if we are to believe the “experts”, this experimental cabinet will not even make it to Christmas, because Greet tweets too much and Pieter cannot make choices. Then there will be another caretaker period and a new cabinet that also wants to implement its own plans. Anyway, +1 for the attempt!

Form your own opinion? Here you will find the most important points from the agreement in our area of ​​interest and here you will find the entire main agreement of the PVV, BBB, NSC and the VVD.


  1. verdeboscosay

    Bovag means: with this right-wing cabinet we can capture the taste of the Bovag for years.

  2. Dutchdriftkingsay

    They do have a point, right? In particular, no longer encouraging the plug-in hybrid is of course a cardinal sin. I agree with continuing to encourage electric driving, but then increasing the maximum amount of the car to 35,000 euros. Can the Tesla importer lobby nicely?

  3. marcomantasay

    Long term vision? Forget it, not only do you see this in cars, but also solar panels, heat pumps and so on, oh yes, the Alfa Mito diesel was also initially exempt from road tax, only to be heavily taxed again. Resume, don’t fall for tricks from the government or energy companies, that is only for your own gain, just like the smart meter, yes for whom smart?

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