Caravan Polydrops P21: self-sufficient with green energy

Solar and heat pump: US manufacturer presents self-sufficient caravan
Caravan Polydrops P21: self-sufficient with green energy

The Californian manufacturer Polydrops has now developed a caravan that is completely independent of external power sources. Find out how this is achieved at Car Whiz.

With the P21, the US company Polydrops is launching a exceptional caravan onto the market, which is designed to function without any additional power supply. To achieve this, the manufacturer has equipped the caravan with the latest technology without sacrificing the necessary comfort.

Caravan with solar system and heat pump

The harmoniously integrated solar modules on the roof of the P21 are immediately noticeable. They deliver a total output of 1300 Watt. Thanks to the built-in LiFePO4 power storage Up to five kilowatt hours of electricity from the solar system can be stored and used flexibly at a later time. This means that you always have enough energy for your most important devices, even when you are far away from the nearest power source.

In addition to the solar system, the P21 stands out above all for its Heat pump from the competition. The heat pump should also work independently of external power sources and be able to both heat and cool the caravan. In combination with efficient insulation, the heat pump ensures a comfortably warm climate in cold weather and pleasantly cool temperatures on hot days.

There is a catch, however: at full capacity, the heat pump consumes up to 3.5 kilowatt hours. Even with a full power storage unit, the power would run out in less than two hours in this scenario.

Polydrops P21: Price and availability

Again Manufacturer website As can be seen, interested parties can pre-order the P21 now. The base price for the self-sufficient caravan is 38,900 US dollars (around 35,000 euros). Production is scheduled to start this year. However, it is not yet known whether and when the caravan will be delivered to Germany.

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