Couple causes 73 collisions in 7 years

Couple causes 73 collisions in 7 years

Are these the worst drivers in the Netherlands or is something else going on…?

A collision can happen to the best of us. But if you are involved in 73 collisions, then there is a pattern (as the late Peter R. de Vries would say). Either you are a very bad driver, or you are a very good fraudster. It seems that the latter is the case.

It concerns a Dutch couple who were involved in 73 collisions within seven years. They kept this up for quite a long time, but at a certain point alarm bells started ringing. The couple must now appear before the judge.

The couple in question insists that it is a coincidence, but that is not very credible. The Netherlands Forensic Institute has taken the trouble to do some probability calculations. According to them, the chance of fraud is 1 million times greater than the chance of coincidence.

So how exactly did the fraudsters operate? Well, they simply drove into cars on purpose. They did this, for example, with cars that were pulling out of a parking space, so that they could blame the other person. Apparently this worked quite well, because the duo managed to rake in €180,000 in damages.

Now, these fraudulent practices have finally come to an end. The Public Prosecution Service is demanding a 12-month prison sentence for the couple, of which 6 months are conditional. And that doesn’t even include all the collisions. The deliberately bad drivers will hear their verdict in two weeks.

Source: OM


  1. ghengiskhan say

    They are not good fraudsters. They got caught, right?

    • Yellow Headlight say

      Game Tip 7: Know When to Stop

  2. escort77 say

    I am very curious about the court ruling and motivation. The burden of proof is purely in the statistical chance that this happens, there is no discussion about an individual case and wanting to quickly fill in a damage form is of course not punishable

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