Data: Chinese electric car manufacturers can bet on Sweden

Data: Chinese electric car manufacturers can bet on Sweden

According to new information, Chinese electric car manufacturers can invest in production in Sweden. It is unclear which car brands are meant and how great the probability is.

This summer, the EU introduced punitive tariffs on electric cars manufactured in China and imported into Europe. The EU believes that competition is being distorted due to the fact that the Chinese state supported manufacturers. According to information to Ekot, discussions are ongoing about putting Chinese electric car production in Sweden.

Anonymous sources believe that a strength that Sweden has is the competence found in car production. However, according to the sources, much is unclear regarding which Chinese car manufacturers are actually considering production in Sweden, and the likelihood that the plans will actually be carried out.

– It is clear that for jobs and tax revenue they would mean an awful lot. We have three good vehicle manufacturers in Sweden and if we get a fourth, it is of course very positive, says Peter Bryntesson, CEO of the supplier organization FKG, to Ekot.

It has already been clear that other Chinese electric car manufacturers, for example BYD, are building a factory in Hungary. The new factory is a measure to avoid the new punitive tariffs.

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