E-fuels can be used in combustion engines without any adjustments

Study shows: Synthetic fuel can be used without any problems
E-fuels can be used in combustion engines without any adjustments

Can combustion engines use e-fuels? Does the use of synthetic fuels affect performance and consumption? A study by the TU Darmstadt, sponsored by the ADAC, comes to a clear conclusion.

(dpa/Car Whiz/KI) Conventional cars and motorcycles with combustion engines can use the fossil-free fuel Eco100Pro without any adjustments to the engines or their software being necessary. This is the result of a study by the Technical University of Darmstadt, which was funded by the ADAC Foundation. The fuel is certified as 100 percent non-fossil.

The tests were carried out both on the engine test bench and in practical applications – including on the race track at the ADAC XC Cup and in test series with a production car in regular road traffic. The results show that the Eco100Pro is on a par with conventional premium gasoline in terms of power and torque. In addition, the tests did not show any higher fuel consumption and no technical risks for the combustion engine. A significant reduction in CO2 emissions of at least 77 percent was also found.

CO2 savings of up to 92 percent

The CO2 emissions generated during the manufacture and transport of the Eco100Pro can be further reduced if predominantly renewable energies are used for production – up to a possible saving of 92 percent, according to the ADAC Foundation.

Karsten Schulze, ADAC Technical President, was positive about the results of the study and emphasized the potential for converting existing vehicles to more sustainable mobility. However, he noted that the high selling price of the fuel is still slowing down progress in this area.

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