European car industry sounds alarm: action needed now

European car industry sounds alarm: action needed now

European car industry calls for action after electric car sales fall.

Electric vehicle sales in Europe are not going well. You could read that from the figures this morning. Reason for the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) to sound the alarm on behalf of the industry. They are calling for action from the EU.

ACEA stands up for the automotive industry

According to ACEA, Brussels must take action with emergency measures before the strict targets for cars and vans come into force in 2025. The organization asks the EU to take another good look at the planned CO2 measures and adjust them where necessary. If everything remains as it is now, this could have serious consequences for the car industry. The EU may want everything to go to 0 grams of CO2, but if no one buys the sustainable cars, car manufacturers will not make any turnover.

European carmakers, united in ACEA, are calling on EU institutions to come up with urgent emergency measures before new CO2 targets for cars and vans come into force in 2025.

ACEA emphasises that it supports the Paris climate agreement and the EU’s plans to make the transport sector significantly more sustainable by 2050. However, additional elements are needed because the transition to greening is not as straightforward as the theory suggests.

Brussels has the complex task of giving substance to this. The situation within the automotive industry cannot be ignored. A dip in sales does not have to mean the end of the world. If this continues in the long term, it will of course have serious consequences. The question is whether the MEPs will bury their heads in the sand as in “It will work out”, or whether they will take serious action. In that respect, exciting times for the industry. And not in a good way.

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