Everyone with a phone in their hand while driving

Everyone with a phone in their hand while driving

We’re all guilty of it at some point. Driving with a phone in your hand.

Government campaigns and stricter police checks on coaches were in vain. There is still a long way to go to prevent drivers from using their phones while driving. Even if it’s just for a moment.

Phone in hand

Just quickly read the app. Or just take a quick look at the route. There are even figures who quietly check their social media while driving. You can come up with all kinds of applications, but it will still be wrong. Whether you have your phone in your hand for 10 seconds or 10 minutes while driving. A new report from the Institute for Scientific Research on Road Safety (SWOV) shows that 75 percent of road users now regularly pick up the phone while driving. You’ll never reach 100 percent, but it’s safe to say that almost everyone has picked up the phone while driving at least once.

The research was carried out on behalf of insurer Interpolis. There is a new report every two years. This way you can see what the trend is. Compared to six years ago, phone use in the car has increased by almost 10 percent. In the past six years, the government has made several attempts to tackle telephone use, for example with the MONO campaign. So far it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

Even the very expensive fine of 420 euros for using a smartphone in the car does not deter motorists. Last year, almost 200,000 motorists were fined for this violation. Holding a phone in your hand while riding a bicycle is also not permitted, but the fine is a lot lower at 160 euros.


About one in five motorists use their smartphone in the car for meetings. Now, having a conversation is not illegal, provided it is hands-free and without video. However, cameras are often turned on during meetings, so drivers can still see who is speaking, for example. According to Interpolis, meetings are a lot more dangerous than hands-free calling, for example because people sometimes talk over each other during a meeting. The focus is on the meeting and not on driving.

Gaming on the bike is popular. Taking photos along the way is also a popular activity among motorists and cyclists.

In the Netherlands, there are no figures available on the number of traffic accidents involving a smartphone. For example, a rear-end collision as a result of a driver who is not looking ahead, but is looking at his or her phone. It undoubtedly happens every day.

Car manufacturers are helping to prevent phone use in the car. The arrival of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto is an absolute godsend in that regard. More luxurious cars such as a Mercedes-Benz E-class have a built-in camera in the interior so you can safely attend a meeting without the intervention of a smartphone.

Ultimately, the safest way is of course not to worry about those things at all. No screens in the interior and all that nonsense. Actually, a Peugeot 205 wasn’t that bad after all. (via AD)


  1. Johanneke say

    Always in a holder, I don’t use social media. But often it was worth checking the route while driving. It’s also safer not to, I know.

  2. William say

    The fines are high enough. The cause is the almost total lack of enforcement due to the virtual cutbacks in the police force.
    Our insane bureaucracy has been conducting endless “campaigns” for ten years. Has no effect, ugly signs everywhere, costs tons of money and it only keeps more unnecessary officials busy 🙂
    Invest in police and throw out those bureaucrats. This way it remains cost neutral, win-win.

  3. knee-jerk say

    “We’re all guilty of it at some point.” Um, no. I don’t make phone calls while I’m behind the wheel. And an incoming call is hands-free and in 95+ percent of cases takes no longer than it takes to say that I am ‘driving and will call back in a moment’. Using social media while driving is completely mentally retarded behavior.

  4. tortuga say

    In Belgium it is now a 0 tolerance and driving license is lost for 15 days…

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