Ford cars can soon report speeders to the police

Ford wants to patent a technology to monitor surrounding vehicles using the car’s built-in cameras. Speeding can be reported directly to the Police.

A patent application by the automaker titled “Systems and methods for detecting speed violations” was published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on July 18, 2024, and was originally filed by Ford on January 12, 2023.

In the application, Ford discusses how cars can be used to monitor each other’s speeds. If a car detects that a nearby vehicle is going over the speed limit, it could use onboard cameras to photograph that vehicle.

A report containing both speed data and images of the vehicle in question could then be sent directly to a police car or road monitoring units via an Internet connection, according to Ford’s documents.

Ford believes that speed monitoring could be handled by self-driving cars and facilitate the work of the police.

It is unclear what legal argument Ford could use if they try to introduce this technology and what requirements the authorities would require to use the collected material as evidence.

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