Hoezee, the Netherlands refuels 180 liters million liters more petrol than in 2019

Hoezee, the Netherlands refuels 180 liters million liters more petrol than in 2019

Yes, those will be nice and warm summers. Plant those palm trees in Cadzand and Zandvoort. We all burn much more petrol in the Netherlands. What petrolheads we are too.

BPM, excise duty, chef’s quarters, VAT, MRB, provincial surcharges, prohibitively high fines; the government’s old-fashioned cash cow is squeezed harder than the cash cow from the animal protection advertisement. You would say that everyone is dejected and drifts off to a smelly train. But nothing is less true. We Dutch have a hard head. They can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!

After all, freedom is a fully fueled one Mercedes car. And we are all going for that en masse. According to quality publication RTL, the Dutch refueled 180 million liters more gasoline last year than in 2019. That was of course the last year before Corona. It sounds like a lot of liters of peut, but it is only an increase of 3.1 percent.

It’s not all cheers, because diesel is certainly being refueled much less than before. Satan juice recorded a minus of thirteen percent. This means that CO2 emissions from the Dutch vehicle fleet as a whole have fallen by 6.6 percent in four years. Large, but not nearly as large as our overlords have in mind.

BOVAG declares petrol needs

BOVAG does have an idea of ​​what causes the figures. During the Corona period, no one really wanted to travel with expensive Dutch public transport anymore. Of course, no one wants that anyway, but even less than no one at the time. The Dutch vehicle fleet has grown by 600,000 units in that period. Of course, largely second-hand cars from surrounding countries, because due to high taxes, no one can buy a new car in the Netherlands anymore. Many diesel and petrol cars have been added.

Now, after that perilous period, many people have become accustomed to personal transportation. After all, public transport by definition always goes from a place where you are not to a place where you do not want to be in a smelly environment. That’s why ministers themselves always use a dirty, fat BMW or Audi. So yes, we are in trouble for the excise duty, but the liters keep flowing until the last breath. What heroism on this beautiful Saturday…


  1. qmdb say

    I don’t understand how this makes you happy. Does the rising sea level really leave you completely cold?

    • jaapiyo say

      Rises a little, falls a little. We don’t do anything about it by eating insects and shooting ourselves in the foot in all kinds of other ways. China emits as much CO2 in 4 days as the Netherlands does in an entire year. So this 180 million liters is nothing at all.

  2. acavs say

    Jaapiyo, a true man of culture

  3. alloallo say

    How many liters would have been refueled across the border?

  4. mjpamsterdam say

    Relevance of the photo?

    • Hubert say

      Who cares

    • ghost say

      “A fat ass is not a full tank”

      • JelmerS say

        makes you forget the fuel prices

  5. tommycooker say

    And then public transport continues to steadily decline in quality and becomes even more expensive and then people are surprised that we all get into the car. Sigh.

  6. mashell say

    There was recently a report that the vacancy rate in office space has never been so high, because many companies have moved to smaller customer bases because many employees are working from home. And yet the traffic jams are back, the question is how? And this article contains the answer, we already suspect it, there are 600,000 extra cars on the road of people who actually belong in public transport. They cause the traffic jams!

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