Investors are giving Lightyear money again!

Investors are giving Lightyear money again!

But isn’t Lightyear bankrupt with huge debts? These investors are giving Lightyear money again.

We are a bit confused. After the National Auto Show last Friday (side job @wouter) we were able to report that the curator of Lightyear is saddled with a debt of 230 million euros, we now read that Lightyear is simply raising ten million euros in investments. Huh?


The brand Lightyear that wanted to build a solar car is bankrupt. Nothing new of course. A restart for the brand new car brand was not possible. At least not as a whole. However, the company did continue in a slimmed-down form.

The new Lightyear does not focus on the production of solar cars, but on the production of solar panels for electric vehicles. Despite the somewhat tainted name, this “new” Lightyear has now found investors willing to invest more than ten million euros.

Expand team

While the bankruptcy of the car brand Lightyear still needs to be dealt with, the renewed Lightyear is already thinking about expanding. The former almost manufacturer of solar cars wants to use the money to attract more employees to develop solar systems for vehicles.

More experts and technicians are needed for this. Then you need money to hire them, because the efficient on-board solar systems for vehicles, such as solar panels on car roofs, are not developed by themselves. The technology must be made widely available to car companies and will soon offer users the opportunity to change electric driving by driving for months without charging with a plug. At least that is what we read at RTL Nieuws.

Brave money lenders

One of the largest investors is Zero Point Holding. They consider Lightyear’s plan realistic and dare to make an investment.

Lightyear’s new strategy creates a compelling opportunity to maximize the impact of existing and emerging technologies and offers key solutions in the quest for sustainable transportation.

Zero Point Holding founder Clemens Schletwein has high expectations

We think it’s brave of the financiers and clever of Lightyear. Making a rather tainted name investable again and then finding people who actually transfer money deserves respect. Let’s hope that this time Lightyear is not a pig in a poke.

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