Is an electric car suitable as a family car? Comment

Why our next family car will be an electric car
Is an electric car suitable as a family car? Comment

A new family car is needed, can it be an electric car? If the conditions are right, there is nothing to speak against it, says Car Whiz editor Matthias Brügge. So he will switch to an electric car. Personal buying advice!

Pro electric car

  • Locally emission-free driving, with green electricity always
  • Lower energy and running costs
  • Less maintenance required
Against electric cars

  • Higher purchase price
  • Charging is more complicated than refueling
  • Shorter range than combustion engines

One Wall box we do not have a Schuko socket near the road, and the daily commute is a whopping 90 kilometers long. Can I even think about buying an electric car? I think so, because the technical state of the E-cars and the framework conditions for current electric cars including Charging infrastructure speak for it.

Is an electric car suitable as a family car? If it is big enough, has fast charging capabilities and you can charge it close to home, then absolutely!

Matthias Bruges

It helps, of course, to ask yourself the most important questions before buying and to get used to handling the electric car. So: How big should the family car be to go on holiday with the kids and their luggage? Five seats would be a must for me and a trunk volume of at least 450 liters (with the back seat up). Station wagon or SUV? I wouldn’t care. But is the car suitable for fast charging? My answer would be: 150 kW charging capacity and above is fine.

What must an electric family car be able to do?

Requirements for range and fast charging

When buying an electric car as a family vehicle, the range and fast charging capability should be right. If you also want to use the electric car on holiday If you want to drive, you should consider a car with a range of at least 450 km and a battery that can be charged with a charging power of 150 kW or more.

Vehicle size and trunk

Families need space, whether for children, friends or even for luggage or hobby equipment. Whether you have a Electric SUV or a electric station wagon The main thing is that the trunk has a loading volume of at least 450 liters and that the car has five seats that even tall children can feel comfortable on.

The latest electric cars with 800-volt electrical system charge faster, but are rather expensive. The length of the daily commute also comes into play (answered above). And: How often would the decreasing battery level force me to go to the next charging station on regular trips, in other words: How often do I have to charge each week? Once that is cleared up, the question then arises as to how far the family car must be able to travel on one battery charge. A large number of current electric cars now have a range of more than 450 km, which I consider to be sufficient.

Where can you charge your electric car regularly?

Finally, the most important thing: Where would I charge the car, and with which Electricity costs What should I expect when charging in public? In our neighborhood, there are eight public charging stations within walking or scooter reach where I can charge for the reasonable price of 0.49 cents/kWh. This means I calculate energy costs of 10 euros per 100 km.

I can now charge for three hours on weekdays at the charging stations, which should be enough. An app tells me when a station becomes free, which is helpful. And there’s a Tesla Supercharger waiting for me at the next shopping center if I need to get going more quickly. In short: I can manage for the time being.

If I now think of the surely rising Petrol and diesel prices think (keyword: rising CO2 emissions), that means for us: Now is the time to switch. I have made up my mind: The next family car should be battery-electric.

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