Keep your car legal and safe with regular inspections

Understanding the rules for periodic inspection of your car is essential for all car owners in Denmark. It is important to know how often your car needs to be inspected in Denmark.

OF: Bilbasen Blog PHOTO: Colourbox/Morten Bek

Basics of periodic car inspection

In Denmark, it is a legal requirement to have your car inspected regularly. The purpose of the car inspection is to ensure that vehicles on the roads maintain a standard of safety and environmental impact.

For most cars and vans up to 3,500 kg, the first inspection is 4 years after the car’s first registration date.

This ensures that new vehicles comply with the applicable safety and environmental standards. Your car is automatically summoned via e-box.

Keep your car legal and safe with regular inspections

Frequency of car sightings

After the first inspection, your car must be seen every two years. It is important to get the car inspected within the deadline, as you can be fined for driving an uninspected car.

For older cars that have been in operation for many years, it is particularly important to observe these inspection intervals to ensure that the car remains safe to drive.

Booking and preparation for viewing

You can book an appointment for an examination at an authorized examination hall. It is recommended to prepare your car for the inspection by checking the most common faults and defects, such as tire pressure, lights, brakes and exhaust system.

Thorough preparation can help avoid the car being rejected at sight, which saves time and money.

Consequences of lack of vision

Failure to have your car inspected on time can lead to fines and, in the worst case, the withdrawal of the number plates. In addition, insurance companies can refuse to cover damages if it turns out that the car was not legally inspected at the time of the damage.

It is therefore important to comply with the inspection deadlines and ensure that your car is always legal and safe on the roads.

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