Koenigsegg participates in The Aurora in Båstad

This summer, the car meet The Aurora is held in Båstad. There, Sweden’s unknown car tax will be displayed together with classics and hypercars in pleasant forms. Koenigsegg is a co-organiser.

Although the car meeting will offer very exclusive collector and hypercars and will be at the same level as the international car meetings Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​and Monterey Car Week, everyone who wants to visit is welcome to the event held at Norrviken’s gardens, on the outskirts of Båstad.

– Scandinavia is sitting on a large, hidden car treasure of both iconic classics and modern hypercars that deserve to be displayed on the international stage. We want to create a world-class lifestyle event that shows the best we have to offer in the region and that offers entertainment both during the day and in the evening,” says car entrepreneur Filip Larsson, who is part of the organizing group together with, among others, Haldora von Koenigsegg, vice president of the hypercar manufacturer Koenigsegg.

During the three days, a variety of cars will be on display for the visitors.

– Anyone who has a really nice collector’s car – an old or modern classic – can exhibit their car. We have a group that selects cars to be displayed. We want a breadth and not just the most exclusive cars. It can be cars with an interesting history or an electric convertible classic, says Filip Larsson.

Ticket prices vary between SEK 500 and 750 depending on which parts you want access to.

– We have to limit the number of visitors to part of the event because Norrviken’s gardens cannot handle any number of people, says Filip Larsson.

The area is divided into four parts, two for historic cars and one for modern hypercars such as Koenigsegg, Rimac and Pagani. There is also an area called The Aurora Talks where you can go to talks and panel discussions and more.

Check out our video interview with the couple Haldora and Christian Koeniggsegg about The Aurora and how they work together.

Read more about The Aurora here.

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