Lynx Motors drags DeLorean DMC-12 into the future

Lynx Motors drags DeLorean DMC-12 into the future

The DeLorean DMC-12 is of course an icon, partly due to the well-known film series Back to the Future. Lynx Motors is now dragging the secretly rather old car into the future again.

The story of the DeLorean DMC-12 is well known, as is the story of the man behind the car, John Z DeLorean. Netflix even made a film about it. It is a special story, because it combines great success with epic failure. Moreover, John Z had his jaw rebuilt, which always appeals to the imagination.

What remains are the DMC-12s. They are still iconic, but also still have the disadvantages of the past. The biggest of which is the engine. The PRV6 from Peugeot and Volvo was already slow in a Peugeot or Volvo. In a mid-engined ‘sports car’ it should never have ended up there.

The DMC-12 is therefore ideally suited for an engine swap. You can put an American V8 in it, or a German one. But it is also less sacrilege than with other classics, to put an electric motor in it. In fact, whether you think EVs are the future or not, there is something fitting about converting the DMC-12 into an electric sports car. There is also a new ‘DeLorean’ that tries to do this. But yes, that is actually nothing, as daughter DeLorean also thinks. It has nothing to do with the original anymore.

Lynx Motors has now taken on the challenge of creating a DeLorean EV that looks like the original. We don’t know them as the Jaguar coachbuilder of the same name, but we do know them from their previous project, the GT1E. A project that we haven’t seen much of since it was announced. So the question is to what extent these cars will actually become reality. John Zachary himself, if he were still alive, could tell the people at Lynx that something like that isn’t necessarily easy.

The plan is to launch the car next year for a few dollars less than $250,000. Down payments can be made now for 1 percent of that, if you have faith that it will work and are hungry for a modern DeLorean.

The drive is provided by four motors in the wheels, just like in the GT1E. These are a bit less powerful than in the GT1E. Where that blepper based on the Ford GT should be able to blast to 100 in 1.5 seconds, it takes four seconds in the DMC-12. Still a lot faster than the three weeks it took in the original. The battery comes from CATL and is good for 70 kWh. That should facilitate a range of about 400 kilometers.

The exterior of the ‘DeLorean DMC EV’ is modified with LEDs and a ‘subtle’ modified bodywork. The standard restomod work. The interior is perhaps the most successful. We are not a fan of screens everywhere. But if you have to have a car that has screens everywhere, where better to do so than in a DeLorean?

In short; this is a much better idea than the GT1E in our opinion. Buy then?

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