Men and women divided around environmental zones

At the turn of the year, the new environmental zones kick off in Stockholm. As a result, it will be prohibited to drive petrol and diesel-powered vehicles in parts of Stockholm’s inner city.

Cars that are allowed to be driven are electric, gas and fuel cell powered. Plug-in hybrids are therefore not permitted. But what do the Swedish people think about this? This has been checked by the car dealer Kamux.

They have asked the question to 1,000 Swedes with a car and driver’s license and the answers are interesting to say the least.

Among other things, there are more men than women who think it is negative for, for example, the shops in the city centre, while almost one in four women has no opinion on the matter itself.

The proportion of men who think environmental zones are positive is greater than the corresponding proportion of women – in certain matters.

– That electric cars are the future feels obvious, even if development may not have progressed as quickly as many first thought, says Aino Hökeberg, CMO and acting CEO at Kamux Sweden.

– But initiatives such as environmental zones are examples of things that will accelerate the transition. That’s why we at Kamux are working right now to expand the car fleet and the sale of used hybrid and electric cars.

What is your position on environmental zones in urban environments? Total Men Women
Positive, because the air quality in the city centers will improve 34% 35% 34%
Negative, as some may have to make detours 29% 32% 24%
Positive, because it contributes to achieving the climate goals 24% 25% 22%
Negative, because shops in city centers are negatively affected 23% 27% 17%
Positive, because it reduces traffic noise 18% 19% 16%
Positive, because it will be safer for pedestrians and cyclists 16% 17% 15%
Negative, because it causes congestion 16% 17% 14%
Negative, because it reduces the value of my car 10% 11% 7%
Have no opinion 19% 14% 25%
Other 3% 2% 3%
Source: Kamux

Read also:

The city of Stockholm backs down on environmental zone 3

EU: Environmental zone can limit freedom

Club: Ban on exhaust cars in central Stockholm

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