More frugal electric cars can cut the cost by SEK 50,000

More frugal electric cars can cut the cost by SEK 50,000

If all electric cars were as efficient as the most frugal model in their class, prices would be significantly lower. Charging had also become cheaper for the car owner.

Electric cars are much more efficient when it comes to converting the energy that is “stuffed in” into movement than petrol cars. The efficiency is significantly higher.

But there are big differences in how efficient different electric car models are. If all electric cars were as frugal as the most frugal model in their class, prices could be reduced by more than SEK 50,000 and charging costs for the owner could be reduced by almost a third.

This is shown by a new report from the organization ACEEE (American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy).

It is not only the price of the car that is lower with a smaller battery. The charging cost is also reduced. Photo: Simon Hamelius

Requires larger battery

An example is the Tesla Model Y, which is one of the most frugal electric cars on the market with a consumption of just over 17 kWh/100 km according to the American EPA driving cycle. A similar car in the same class can draw 25 kWh/100 km.

This means that a larger battery, with a greater need for rare earths, is required to achieve the same range. According to ACEEE, the charging cost for the car owner can be SEK 2,800 higher per year with the higher consumption, and the price of the car increases by almost SEK 50,000.

Car manufacturers are now being asked to improve battery performance, reduce car weight, improve aerodynamics and optimize the powertrain to reduce consumption.

– We have made great progress in terms of efficiency in petrol cars, and we must do the same in electric cars to lower costs and cut emissions, says Peter Huether, who is behind the report at ACEEE.

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