No: this V8 diesel is ALSO no longer available to order

No: this V8 diesel is ALSO no longer available to order

We can no longer get this V8 diesel either.

Big engines are less popular than ever. Diesels are also in the corner of doom. Ergo: V8 diesels are as popular as edible underwear designed by Dries Roelvink. Or Wolter Kroes, we always confuse those two because they are both brilliant.

Coincidentally, we recently reviewed a Porsche Panamera with a V8 diesel. At that time, the author in question spoke about one of the last eight-cylinder diesels. Of course, we were corrected on that. Toyota still has them on offer!

V8 diesel exit

Despite Toyota stating early on that it didn’t want to do anything with diesels (after dieselgate), it is now one of the few brands that still sells diesels in the Netherlands. And worldwide it is one of the few manufacturers that still sell a V8 diesel. You can get it in the Land Cruiser 70.

V8 diesel

But yes, as the inflammatory headline in this article already reveals, that is no longer possible either. It actually had not been possible for a while. At Toyota they had put the engine ‘on hold’ for a while. We had to wait a while, and then they could go to South Africa, Australia or New Zealand.

And now?

Now Toyota has decided to scrap the V8 turbodiesel for the Toyota Land Cruiser of the J70 generation. Both the station wagon and the pickup and the TroopCarier can be delivered with the eight-cylinder until September. After that it is over and out.

Is there an exception: yes! If you go for a luxury variant (GXL) of the pick-ups, then you are lucky. Toyota will continue to build them until 2025. You can still get the car with the 2.8 liter four-cylinder diesel, which can now also be supplied with a luxury five-speed automatic.

After 2025, Toyota’s V8 diesel will be dead and gone, and so will diesel V8s in general. The pickups in the US that you can get with diesel V8s are more trucks than cars, so to speak.

Via: Drive

Want to read more? Check out the rise and fall of the V8 diesel here!

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