Over 200 km/h and Tesla in ruins within 2 weeks

Over 200 km/h and Tesla in ruins within 2 weeks

The novice drivers have been busy again this weekend!

The police have also clearly had an information task lately. For example, they increasingly share what they encounter during their services. This is of course to show how not to do it. And as a warning that there is indeed a chance of being caught if you decide to take liberties with the rules.

Now, this weekend, a novice driver took liberties with both the laws of nature and Dutch law. That would be the most logical explanation for the result you see below. According to the Charlois Police, the novice driver of this 2-week-old Tesla was also drunk. He had consumed a number of alcoholic refreshments.

Now that is not smart for everyone, but for a novice driver it is even strictly forbidden. 0.2 Permille alcohol in your blood is the limit as a novice driver. After 5 years you are only experienced for the government and then you are allowed to have 0.5 permille alcohol in your blood. But don’t do that either.

Interesting detail according to the Instagram account of Politie Charlois: It was dad’s Tesla and it was only 2 weeks old.

The police were also not on strike on the A2 this weekend. They were holding a speed check there. An 18-year-old driver was also quite crazy there. More than 112 km/h was recorded. A good 200 km/h. Apparently Flitsmeister is also something of the older generation.

That young novice driver will have enough time in the coming period to download that app on public transport.


  1. Tartz say

    It can be even older.. Recently saw Clarkson’s Meet the Neighbors on the Fifth Gear Youtube channel. In it a young Frank Jacobs (competitor from Autoweek) passed by with his Tuf-Tuf club haha.

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