Porsche debut for Ekström – becomes a teammate with Prince Carl Philip

It will be a royal driver duo in Porsche Experience Racing when racing king Mattias Ekström teams up with racing prince Carl Philip in the final of the Carrera Cup.

Before the end of the season of the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia, racing ace Mattias Ekström makes a guest appearance in the Porsche Experience Racing team.

There he jumps into a guest car with race number 992, together with Prince Carl Philip in the sister car.

Coincidentally, the jump-in takes place 25 years after Mattias Ekström secured the STCC title in an Audi A4 in the 1999 season.

– I have never competed with Porsche before, so it will be a lot of fun, but I am also looking forward to competing at home in Sweden again, says Mattias Ekström, according to a press release.

– I have a pretty good grasp of the series so I know it will be a challenge, but I might have some help because I know Mantorp well from the years with STCC. I always aim to win, but even if it doesn’t go all the way, I hope I can challenge a bit and offer some exciting racing!

Exciting debut

– We are very happy to welcome Mattias Ekström to the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia, says Anders Boqvist, Brand Manager, Porsche Sweden.

– It will be exciting to see how such an experienced and versatile driver as Mattias tackles a car he has never driven, in a specialized one-type series like ours. We send a big thank you to our colleagues at Audi who made this possible.

In addition to the end of the season in the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia, it is also the final weekend in the all-electric STCC, which is also decided at Mantorp Park.

Read also:

Mattias Ekström goes to McLaren

Audi wins the Dakar rally with electric drive

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