Save the car holiday with 7 fun car games

It’s almost holidays and for many of us it’s also time to hit the road with the whole family. With these car toys, it will be much more fun! And in some cases, quieter.

1. Count cars

Here, it is important to have good judgment when choosing an alternative color or car brand – unless you are playing the lottery, of course. When the participants have chosen a color or car brand, the number must be counted. Whoever reaches the set number first wins.

2. The numbers game

This game is based on the same game rules as number 1 but starts from the first digit of the cars registration number. First to ten, or any set number, wins.

3. Guess the song

Appointed play leader plays a song that everyone in the family knows. Whoever hears which song it is first wins. You get to decide if a song, an artist or both is enough. This game works well together with, for example, Spotify.

4. “The silent game begins now”

If nothing else, this game can be suitable when you want to keep it quiet in the car. Say the magic words and attract a prize to whoever can be silent the longest. For example, an ice cream at the next stop. Of course, all the children get an ice cream (but you don’t say this in the car).

5. The alphabet game

This game can be played in several ways. Decide on a category: animals, fruits, dishes, TV shows and so on. In turn, everyone in the car then gets to say an animal (or other category) that starts with the chosen letter.

6. That’s how it should (can) sound

Perfect for the musical family perhaps? Appoint a play leader who chooses a word. Whoever starts singing first to a song that contains the chosen word gets a point.

7. What movie am I thinking of?

In turn, the game participants have to tell about a movie without saying the names of any of the characters. If you want to increase the difficulty level, you can guess the artist based on the lyrics.

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