The Easter holiday traffic is on – here are our travel tips

The Easter holiday traffic is on – here are our travel tips

Now begins one of the most intensive traffic weekends of the year. But with our tips, you will arrive both full and energetic.

Easter is one of the more intensive traffic weekends in Sweden. Many go on an Easter trip to family and friends or on a ski trip to the mountains.

As with all other “traffic holidays”, it is important to travel rested and with plenty of time and patience. But there are also some other – a little less obvious – tips that might be good to keep in mind.

Have a nice trip and happy Easter!

Get the right apps – before the trip

You who drive an electric car should think through how you will drive before you set off. It can be good to have registered with several charging operators that are along the journey in advance, so you don’t have to do it when you arrive at the charging post.

Another option is to use some form of roaming service, which means that you can charge at several different charging operators with the same account. However, it is usually more expensive.

Here you can read more about apps and subscriptions for electric car charging.

Photo: Car Whiz team

Avoid charging queues with the right route

The fast chargers along the major roads can sometimes become clogged, especially at the beginning and end of long weekends when many motorists are traveling at the same time.

To avoid that, it may be a smart idea to turn off the highway and choose a smaller road, perhaps on the “old” highway that has been replaced by a newly built one.

Along these roads are smaller communities that may also have electric car chargers. They are not as fast as on the motorway, but since they are also not as popular, it can mean that you avoid the charging queue. At the same time, the area can be nicer to walk in than a rest area, and there can also be nice cafes to discover.

Photo: Maria Dahlin

No overtaking on the E4

Overtaking is prohibited on the E4 between Gävle and Tönnebro during the Easter weekend. The idea is to make traffic flow better.

You can read more about the overtaking ban and when it comes into effect here.

Photo: Niklas Carle

Special parking rules

If you are going to park your car during the Easter weekend, it would be wise to keep an eye on the rules. Namely, it determines whether you need to pay and whether you risk a fine.

Three different times can be written on the additional board. The top times apply to weekdays. The times in brackets apply to Saturdays and the day before a holiday. The red times apply to Sundays and public holidays.

  • Maundy Thursday and Easter Eve are counted as the day before the holiday (times in brackets).
  • Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday count as holidays (the red clocks).

Photo: Car Whiz team’s roadside pub patrol

Choose a nice roadside restaurant

The foundation for a successful journey is always created through carefully planned food and coffee stops, which makes Car Whiz team’s roadside restaurant tests as important as the map book. Garnish the trip with just the right amount of time pessimism and you should arrive satisfied.

Even more tips before the trip can be found here.

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