These are the things that really annoy us in traffic

These are the things that really annoy us in traffic

We get really annoyed in traffic, and no, not just by parking incorrectly. These are our biggest annoyances.

What annoys you in traffic? Personally, I have a thing about parking incorrectly. Those heroes who prefer to park in the middle of the road in an empty parking lot because there is just a little bit of shade there.

Or people who are so “thrifty” with their car in the parking garage that they prefer to park in two places. Social for the one who happily drives into the parking garage when the counter at the entrance indicates that there is still one free place…

traffic annoyances
Via Car Whiz Spots. Spotter: @devennep

But that is what the undersigned pays attention to. Fortunately, there are also always studies that focus on what the rest of the Netherlands thinks. For example, the website conducted research into the biggest annoyances among Dutch motorists. The top three will surprise no one and of course no one here is guilty of it themselves.

Biggest annoyances in traffic

Of course, these kinds of studies are done more often and the biggest annoyances are therefore not big surprises. For example, more than 69 percent of drivers are annoyed by tailgating. In second place with 66 percent is the following annoyance; not indicating. The top three is completed by staying in the left or middle lane.

Anyone who has ever driven on the A2 between Utrecht and Amsterdam at night will be among the 65 percent who are irritated by that third annoyance.

Number four is using the phone in the car, number five is driving slowly in the left lane and number six is ​​cutting off. Merging extremely late, overtaking on the right and speeding complete the list.

traffic annoyances

We are all brilliant leaders ourselves

So much for the open door research, these kinds of lists have actually been the same for years. What is interesting is that this research also immediately asked who also uses these annoying practices themselves. Then it suddenly turns out that we are all above-average drivers. The annoyances in traffic always concern others of course.

56 percent of the participants reluctantly admit that they sometimes drive too fast, 34 percent dare to say that they sometimes overtake on the right (but only because there are stickers driving on the left of course) and 21 percent sometimes forget to indicate.

Only 10 percent admit to tailgating and three percent admit to driving slowly in the left lane.


In short, we get really annoyed by tailgaters and people who don’t indicate, but we all have our phones in our hands sometimes. And those are the people who are self-reflective enough to realize that they themselves sometimes do something that is not entirely the intention.

The Car Whiz chat box asks: what annoys you in traffic and what are you guilty of yourself?


  1. Allison Burgers say

    Speed ​​limits due to nitrogen for cars that do not emit nitrogen.

  2. crashingduke say

    I sometimes park the Supra on two parking spaces, because otherwise I run the risk of not being able to get in. My biggest annoyance is people who slowly overtake you and then hang around on the left front. They probably do that unconsciously.

    • bye say

      Even more annoying are those same people who tailgate and then slowly overtake while you are driving the same speed in the right lane as you were already doing. Suddenly you see that truck, driving in front of you, coming very close, but that slow turd on your left doesn’t drive through, so you can’t go left but have to hit the brakes.
      If you’re as blind and annoying as these people, hand in your driver’s license and get a one-way ticket to a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

  3. TheWhiteCondor say

    You can get annoyed by parking incorrectly, but the underlying cause is that many drivers are not able to properly park their car in a space, in such a way that you can still open your door when you are standing next to it. Or parents who let their children open the door at the car next to them, because yes, they have to be able to be children and it doesn’t matter to their completely beat up Prius. I find that much more annoying than double parking.

  4. potver7 say

    Merging extremely late on 7? That’s the only surprise on this list. Personally, I find merging extremely late much more annoying, coupled with merging extremely late (or not at all) – you know, those guys who turn almost perpendicularly right from the third lane to just catch the exit at full speed.

    • brown bear say

      Exactly. Merging extremely early, taking the first block, that’s really annoying. And antisocial – that asphalt of the merging lane is there for a reason.

  5. tine2 say

    I get annoyed by people who don’t take the neighbour into account and open the door like a tokkie when I park neatly in the parking garage in one place. I get annoyed by people who don’t drive down the merging lane normally and turn on the indicator properly or else merge without maximum traffic jam but merge at right angles 1m after the white dot. Have a nice holiday.

  6. alcantara say

    The 100 measure, which means you can’t go any faster. Because the cars now just keep on trudging along at 100 like trains in a row on the left lane.

  7. tortuga say

    Don’t expose your annoyances but share your knowledge:
    – drive fast
    – overtaking on the right
    – tailgating slow drivers
    – overtaking where it is not allowed
    – quickly take an orange light before it turns red

    What I absolutely don’t do:
    – find the smallest hole to crawl between
    – brake check
    – only cut off at +3.5 tons
    – ignoring emergency sirens
    – stop for cyclists who do NOT have priority

  8. ghengiskhan say

    Other road users.

  9. Johanneke say

    I find it the worst when you come off a roundabout on an 80 km road. Then I just want to go back to 80, but the people in front of me always go very calmly towards 60, and then continue to drive 60. Then I have to go a few seconds closer, they probably get really annoyed with me because they think I’m tailgating, and then they go to 80.

    I have this almost every day when I drive to or from work.

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