This is where most drunks drive in the Netherlands

This is where most drunks drive in the Netherlands

The number of fines for driving while under the influence is mapped out per municipality.

Officially, in the Netherlands you can get behind the wheel with a beer. Everyone says it’s better not to do that. Yet there are always motorists who do it and certainly don’t stop at just one or two beers. Unfortunately, getting behind the wheel while sitting on a ladder is no exception.

Fines are rapidly disappearing

At Independer, they have mapped out where the most fines for driving under the influence are issued, based on the most recent police figures. In 2023, 110 fines for driving under the influence were issued every day, according to the figures. This involved a total of 42,799 fines. A significant increase compared to a few years ago. At that time it still amounted to 32,500 fines.

It is difficult to say whether there are actually more alcohol drivers. More enforcement can also result in more fines. Drawing conclusions from these types of statistics always remains a challenge.

The largest increase in the number of fines was in the always pleasant North Brabant. Perhaps the people of Brabant started driving with a little too much fun. 66.5% more fines were issued. Quite an increase. A total of 6,192 fines were issued in the province. Most fines for driving under the influence come from South Holland (11,282). Followed by North Holland (7,371).

The most fines per municipality were issued in Oostzaan, North Holland. Maashorst in North Brabant comes in second. And on three Wassenaar, South Holland.

  1. Oostzaan (North Holland): 119.4 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  2. Maashorst (North Brabant): 76.1 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  3. Wassenaar (South Holland): 67.5 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  4. Valkenburg a/d Geul (Limburg): 63 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  5. Bergen (Limburg): 61.8 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  6. Schagen (North Holland): 60.1 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  7. Gennep (Limburg): 54.1 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  8. Zandvoort (North Holland): 53.5 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  9. Zoetermeer (South Holland): 51.8 fines per 10,000 people over 15
  10. Laren (North Holland): 51.7 fines per 10,000 people over 15

Hopefully we don’t have to explain to you that driving while drinking is not smart. The consequences can haunt you for years if things go wrong. Think of a wrong outcome to an accident caused by you. Apart from that, insurers also no longer like you. Taking out car insurance after causing an accident due to alcohol is quite difficult. In short: leave the keys lying around or opt for diluted lemonade. You can also have a nice evening.

Photo: an innocent Lambo in Amsterdam via @jeppie on Car Whiz Spots


  1. pomouk say

    And then yesterday I was beaten by Angstgegner Fortuna Wormerveer. 2-1. Understand that as an East Zaaner you want to leave the week of Blue Monday behind you through alcohol. But the lack of a player bus is no reason to get behind the wheel yourself! Then take your bike or take a taxi together.

    Good luck on Saturday guys! hopefully Yoram will be better and back again!

  2. lekkaah say

    I see a common thread… Boomers…

  3. mmax say

    Perhaps the author of the article was not quite recovered from his drink last night? The law states that you may not have more than 0.5 per mille in your blood. There is a good chance that if you check your insurance policy, it will not pay out anything if there are traces of alcohol in your blood. This means that you are not insured, and if you are not insured you are not allowed to participate in traffic.

  4. Wicos say

    Most of them are very posh places. “You can see that I’m not a criminal, right?”

  5. mashell say

    Do more people drive here while drinking or are there more frequent checks here? Because these are not the areas with the most alcohol consumption.

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