This popular route will also be opened again for motor mice

This popular route will also be opened again for motor mice

Simply closing a road to motorcycles turns out to be quite difficult, because once again there is a ban that will not stand up in court.

Electric motorcycles are not really a thing yet, so motorcycles still make a lot of noise. Or well… not everyone likes this. Residents of popular motorcycle routes are sometimes not pleased with all those noisy two-wheelers.

Some routes are therefore prohibited for motorcycles on weekends. This was, for example, the case with the road that runs through De Meije. So it is not the case that you cannot drive such a route at all, but yes, the weekend is the time when you want to go out with your motorcycle.

However, there is a party that fights tooth and nail against these closures: the Motorcyclists Action Group (MAG). They previously managed to reopen the route through De Meije through a lawsuit. The municipality turned out not to have enough evidence for the noise pollution. This lawsuit was ultimately ignored by the municipality, but that is another story.

What matters now: the MAG has once again managed to overturn a ban, at least for the time being. It concerns the Zuiderdijk, a very beautiful dike road along the IJsselmeer, between Hoorn and Enkhuizen. Since May 2021, motorcycles are no longer welcome here on weekends.

Here too, however, it turned out that the municipality in question had not done its homework properly. Once again, there were no noise measurements to substantiate that the passing engines make too much noise. The judge therefore ruled that the municipality must reassess a previously rejected objection from the MAG. And until then, there can be no closure. In any case, that is the MAG’s conclusion.


  1. Steph say

    It would be better if they put up microphones with cameras and fine those motorcycles that are too noisy. Man, what a small cock you need to make your engine as loud as possible.

    • racerx say

      Avid biker here, but I can follow you. Some people drive around on bizarrely loud motorcycles, which is really annoying.

  2. marcomanta say

    Then close off all of Amsterdam because there are a few noisy Benzes driving around. Great that the popular route is opening again. From now on, tackle those cars or motorcyclists who ruin it for the rest.

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