Toyota RAV4 also the most stolen car in 2023

Toyota RAV4 also the most stolen car in 2023

The most stolen car of 2023 is the Toyota RAV4. But good news: almost half of all stolen cars were recovered.

It’s not even mid-January yet, so just in time to take a moment to look back at the previous year. The annual figures are flying around your head and today we are treated to a series of figures from the National Vehicle Crime Intelligence and Expertise Center (LIV).

Let’s start with the dry numbers. In 2023, 5,844 passenger vehicles were stolen. That is a decrease of 2 percent compared to the year before. The theft of mopeds and scooters has fallen by 20 percent. The theft of light commercial vehicles, on the other hand, increased by 5 percent to 1,783 units and 11 percent more motorcycles were also stolen.

Higher recovery rate

Then the good news. About 47 percent of all stolen cars were recovered last year. A positive trend that continues. In 2019 that was still 41 percent and it is therefore steadily increasing. That 47 percent is the highest percentage in ten years.

The LIV sees it as a major help in this increase Stolen Vehicle Reporting Desk. A vehicle is spotted nationally and internationally within thirty minutes of reporting. The chance of recovery is greatest in the first 24 hours.

Another important reason for the higher recovery rate is the greatly increased connectivity of young vehicles.

Toyota RAV4 most stolen

The dubious honor of most stolen vehicle of 2023 is the Toyota RAV4. Not for the first year, by the way. In 2023, 612 pieces were stolen. The Toyota C-HR is also popular with the thieves’ guild. With 284 pieces, it has also often been stolen.

Toyota as a brand is the leader when it comes to stolen cars. The Japanese top the rankings with 1,166 pieces. A year earlier there were 1,036 and in 2021 567 Toyotas were stolen. That makes 1 in 5 stolen cars in our country a Toyota.

With the caveat on our behalf that if many copies of a car brand are sold, the chance that more of them will be stolen also increases.

The LIV also did some probability calculation. According to them, the chance of a RAV4 being stolen is 1 in 63 and for a C-HR the LIV gives a chance of 1 in 113. A useless addition in our opinion is that 83 percent of stolen Toyotas are hybrids. We think the criminals must also look for non-hybrid modern Toyotas.

rav4 stolen

Volkswagen number 2

In terms of sales, Volkswagen was at the top in 2023, the brand occupies second place in this list. A total of 797 Volkswagens were stolen, which is 1 percent more than in 2022. The most stolen Volkswagen was the Volkswagen Polo with 312 copies. Not only the brand’s best-selling model in 2023, but also the most stolen.

Notable climbers in the list are Hyundai with 94 units and Alfa Romeo (for the crook with taste) with 70 stolen units.

Light commercial vehicles

For van enthusiasts, let’s take a look at the list leader in this category. Mercedes-Benz leads the troops here with a number of 670 stolen light commercial vehicles.

If you have such a light commercial vehicle on your doorstep in South Holland or North Brabant, you run the greatest risk of involuntary visits from car thieves who are targeting your van.


  1. golf1985 say

    To my knowledge, many more Rav4’s were stolen last year as indicated here. I think in July or August they were already at 700 pieces. Just what I’ve been told. I saw them enough last year

    • mashell say

      Because you are involved in car theft?

    • baby say

      Who told you that?

  2. petrol drinker say

    Uhm, not for one reason or another, I prefer that my car is not found again if it is stolen… ext&int damage will be reimbursed, but any damage to engines that comes to light over time (and is then not reimbursed) due to cold ramming etc while you are economical, thank you for…

  3. mc96 say

    Honest question. Why are Toyotas so popular with thieves?

    • dree16v say

      Something about opportunity makes the thief… They are/were quite easy to steal

    • golf1985 say

      Most of it goes to Ghana by sea container. Toyota is reliable. That’s why those Rav4’s are stolen so much. Some time ago I made an item at broadcaster Max about stolen Toyotas.

      • mashell say

        Tell me more, I’m not yet at the age where I can watch Max and I can’t imagine that in Ghana they really want an ugly SUV for the elderly. After all, it’s not a Landcruiser or something.

        • golf1985 say

          I can tell you a lot more, but I think it’s better not to. I’m certainly not yet at the age where I watch broadcaster Max, but if your employer comes on screen, you’ll still watch it.

          • rutgerg say

            Do you work for the Bulgarian Mafia ;-)?

        • p993 say

          Well priced and reliable!

      • Svenska II say

        The hybrids, and therefore the RAV and CHR, do not go to Ghana, especially to Eastern Europe. That is mainly the other brands

    • Svenska II say

      Extremely popular in Eastern Europe. These are stolen by organized gangs and often go to Romania, Georgia and the like. And especially the hybrid, because there too it is cheaper in taxes. Taxi companies in particular (which have to drive hybrid) seem to be deeply involved in organized crime and that is how they obtain their fleet…

      • rutgerg say

        I continue to find it special that as a company you can receive a subsidy for something that has been stolen. And such a country (Romania) is then a member of the EU. That’s actually not possible.

  4. PunicaOase say

    How about a lot of demand abroad…

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