Traffic jams are going to increase enormously and that is the fault of nitrogen!

Traffic jams are going to increase enormously and that is the fault of nitrogen!

Or well, the traffic jams that are increasing are due to nitrogen road projects that have been shut down.

If you hate traffic jams, you better think of something else for the coming years. The roads are just going to become busier and there is no immediate solution. Firstly, the train is an unreliable means of transport for paupers until at least 2030 because: ProRail is still busy with track maintenance. Secondly, all kinds of road projects are at a standstill as a result of the nitrogen regulations.

Traffic jams will increase

Remember that nitrogen crisis? All kinds of projects came to a standstill. The new construction of homes, for example, but also projects related to the road network in the Netherlands. The number of cars increases, but the roads partly remain the same. You will reap the benefits of this in the coming years. In file form. This is stated by the Economic Institute for Construction (EIB) after a calculation.

There are 16 bottlenecks in the Netherlands where traffic jams will increase in the coming years. And big too. The EIB expects 14.5 million additional vehicle loss hours in the period 2024 to 2030. That is a fancy word for additional hours of delay. In other words, join behind Kees in his ID4 on the way to the office. That, day in and day out. Until at least 2030.

The EIB states that traffic jams would actually have decreased if all those projects had been able to go ahead. However, much of that road work has been postponed or delayed. The EIB even expects a doubling of the total congestion at 16 bottlenecks in the country. Well-known bottlenecks in the Netherlands include the Hoevelaken junction and Terbregseplein.

In short, things are not going to get any calmer in the next six years. Think back to this article again when you come back. Or share this piece with your boss and ask nicely if you can work from home more often. That’s okay. (via ND)


  1. Foramen say

    Then from spring onwards you can navigate between traffic with your motorcycle.

  2. ghengiskhan say

    Gosh. I didn’t know there was a Dutch registered Lamborghini 350/400 GT driving around.

    • michaelras say

      yes, this was used by the importer during the Movember Lambo ride a few years ago. With a certain Doornbos behind the wheel.

      Turning lights apparently didn’t work the entire ride 😉

  3. pomouk say

    Sorry, but that’s not true. The reason you are stuck in traffic is you.

    • gilettelubbers say

      Because you have to go to work to be able to (continue to) pay for the triple taxed car?

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