Turning away from combustion engines: economic experts urge caution

Combustion engine ban 2035: Economic expert warns of going backwards
Turning away from combustion engines: economic experts urge caution

From 2035, the EU is planning a de facto ban on combustion engines – actually. Because some politicians want to overturn this again. However, this could have serious consequences, predicts economic expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer.

The de facto ban on new cars with combustion engines planned for 2035 has been criticized. Several voices from politics and industry are discussing a possible reversal of this decision in view of the upcoming European elections. However, economic and automotive expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer is now urgently warning of the consequences of such a turnaround and predicts serious consequences for the German auto industry.

Is combustion engines still a danger to the industry?

Speaking to the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ), Dudenhöffer criticized political voices that were calling for a move away from the ban on combustion engines. They would all present themselves to voters as “saviors of the German auto industry.” However, the opposite is the case: “Instead of saving our car manufacturers, the talk of moving away from combustion engines is destroying our industry,” said Dudenhöffer. Accordingly, the German auto industry is now absolutely dependent on a “ramp-up of e-mobility” “in order to get into mass production”. Otherwise, the production of German electric vehicles would move further abroad – for example to China. The companies are forced to do this given the subdued demand for electric cars in Germany.

Germany is slowing down electric cars

Currently, e-mobility in Germany seems like a mirage – politics is to blame, among other things. Dudenhöffer describes the surprising abolition of the e-car bonus at the end of 2023 as a serious mistake that has put a serious damper on e-mobility in Germany. Because without subsidies, electric cars are simply too expensive compared to combustion engine models. Dudenhöffer also criticizes the car lobby. The 72-year-old explains that she “put off her own customers by shouting excessively about the alleged lack of charging stations.”

Electric cars cheaper than combustion engines in 2030

In the long term, the e-mobility expert predicts a victory over the combustion engine. According to his estimates, electric cars will be cheaper than comparable diesel or gasoline cars by around 2030. One of the key factors for this price development is the development of significantly lighter solid-state batteries, which ensure faster charging times. Dudenhöffer expects this technology boost in the next two to three years.

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