Will this Porsche 928 fetch another €1.8 million?

Will this Porsche 928 fetch another €1.8 million?

The most expensive Porsche 928 ever is back at auction!

A 928 is still a reasonably affordable Porsche, for the simple reason that it is not a 911. Of course, there are also more expensive models: a beautiful 928 GTS easily costs more than a ton. But there is one 928 that is by far the most expensive.

You probably already know which car we’re talking about: the Porsche 928 from Risky Business. This is the car in which the legendary Tom Cruise learned to shift gears. Apparently, this name works wonders, because this car fetched an insane amount of money at auction in 2021: 1.98 million dollars.

Risky Business 928
Risky Business 928
Risky Business 928
Risky Business 928

Someone really wanted this 928, but now it’s already being sold after 3 years. Bonhams will auction the car during Monterey Car Week later this month. Three 928s were used in the film, but this is the same car. You know, the one Tom Cruise learned to shift in.

The car itself is not very special. It is just an early 928, which is the most beautiful version. Because it is an American car, you have less power, namely 222 hp instead of 240 hp. And of course this car has a manual transmission, because Tom Cruise learned to shift in it.

The big question is: what will this car fetch? Was the proceeds of the previous auction an outlier, or is the Risky Business 928 really worth that much? We’ll find out in two weeks. Bonhams is hopeful, because they are counting on 1.4 to 1.8 million dollars. Which is less than the 1.98 million that the car fetched the last time. But then again, it almost can’t be otherwise.

Finally, a fun fact about this 928: Tom Cruise learned to shift in this car. So if the clutch is worn out, you know whose fault it is.

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