BREAK! Alex Albon will not replace Sergio Perez

BREAK!  Alex Albon will not replace Sergio Perez

If you still have doubts about that; do not. Alex Albon will not replace Sergio Perez…

The latest Formula 1 season is not even dry behind the ears, but it seems as if the ‘silly season’ for 2025 has already started. In fact, it has actually been going on for a long time.

Would you like to count? Adrian Newey leaves Red Bull, Lewis Hamilton goes to Ferrari, Carlos Sainz is still without a team and no one knows whether Alpine will still exist next year. And then Max Verstappen is also extensively linked to Mercedes. And that’s not all.

Alex Albon will not replace Sergio Perez

Because as long as he has been driving there, Sergio Perez has been a point of discussion at Red Bull. At least, for the fans, because for the time being he is still where he is. But still, his contract expires at the end of this season. And then?

There has been speculation about possible replacements for years and one of the names that consistently comes up is that of Alexander Albon. But we have news; he is certainly not going to replace Perez.

The Thai Briton has extended his contract with Williams. Reportedly by several years. He says he believes in the team and the direction they have taken and would like to continue with them for a while.

And that in itself is remarkable, because Alex was seriously linked to Red Bull. Either he knows more, or he doesn’t feel like being humiliated by Max again. We would also understand.

Anyway, long story short; Alex Albon will therefore not replace Sergio Perez at Red Bull. But who?

Who knows may say.

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