Car dealers are criticized for “falsifying” customers

Car dealers are criticized for “falsifying” customers

M Sweden claims that Hedin Bil is not allowed to invoice private leasing customers for abnormal wear and tear – but did so anyway.

The car retail chain Hedin Bil, which sells many different brands, is said to have invoiced private leasing customers in violation of the agreement. This is stated by the Riksförbundet M Sweden in a review.

The invoicing must have taken place when the car owners return their privately leased cars, which may then need to be repaired or have new tyres.

– Hedin Bil lacks contractual support to invoice the customer, but has simply ignored it and done it anyway. Only after extensive dialogue with our advisers has the invoice been credited, says Carl-Erik Stjernvall.

“Hedin Bil lacks contractual support to invoice the customer”

Hedin Bil states in a comment to Car Whiz team that the leasing customer is responsible according to the contract for looking after the car and paying for the repairs that need to be made when the car is returned.

When the leasing agreement expires, Hedin Bil takes over the ownership of the car from the lessor Santander and then the right to invoice the customer for wear and tear on the car is also taken over.

“In connection with this, certain rights are transferred from Santander to Hedin, including the right to invoice the customer for costs for abnormal wear and tear, according to what is established in the agreement,” writes the car retail chain.

Not informed

Overwriting the ownership of the car is possible, but it is not something that Hedin Bil first brought up in its contacts with M Sweden – and it is also something that the car owner must be informed about, according to Carl-Erik Stjernvall.

He says that did not happen.

– I therefore cannot see it as anything other than an after-the-fact construction considering the situation their dealer had put himself in.

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