Government also thinks CO2 mileage reporting is nonsense

Government also thinks CO2 mileage reporting is nonsense

Mandatory CO2 kilometer reporting for commuting and business traffic will start on July 1, but the government itself doesn’t give a f*ck.

From July 1, all companies with more than a hundred employees must keep track of how much CO2 those employees emit during their travels. Commuting, but also trips for the boss himself.

An extra administrative burden. The good thing is, when the administration is complete, employers can pass the administration on to the government, who then… will do nothing with it…

Check CO2 kilometer reporting unknown

It is namely completely unknown whether and how the control of the compliance with this new invention of the responsible government should take place. The 28 (!!!) environmental services that are charged with the supervision have not yet thought about this themselves.

Let alone that all 28 have their noses pointed in the same direction in terms of guidelines and requirements. The environmental services also indicate that they have no idea what priorities they are going to set in their supervision. In other words, they are in no hurry and are already building up a backlog.

Provinces and municipalities determine

As befits the central government, the rules were devised in The Hague and implementation is left to the lower government. They are already busy arranging asylum reception and eliminating the waiting lists in Youth Care, so this is not at the top of the list, so to speak.

The environmental services indicate that the provinces and municipalities are precisely the clients that must indicate what the priorities are. In short, there are none yet.

Sanctions unknown

Companies must therefore keep track of CO2 emissions per employee from July 1, but they have no idea what happens to that information. They deposit it in a government black box and probably never hear from it again…

The best part of the story is that if you as an employer fail to submit or make the reports, it is not known what the sanctions will be. There are currently no sanctions for failing to comply with the reporting obligation. In other words, the government itself also thinks the regulation is nonsense?


  1. Dutchdriftking say

    Typical rule for which you would have to lock down the entire country. Futile administration, which at most causes an invasion of privacy.

  2. potver7 say

    In short, we are waiting for an interest group to enforce this obligation through the courts.

  3. wateriswet say

    Building rules around made up problems and offering “help” to made up/created needy people is core business of 1 specific group in NL. It is their bread, butter and mortgage. And no one can stop them.
    Wonderful country.

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