Here are the most A tractors in the country

The number of A-tractors has more than doubled in Sweden since 2019. At the end of 2023, there were 56,000 A-tractors registered – in these municipalities there are the most.

Since the Swedish Transport Agency relaxed the rules for conversion in 2020, the number of converted cars of a more modern design has been increasing.

– Now we see more and more Porsche Cayenne, Audi, BMW and Mercedes as A-tractors, says Daniel Odsberg, sales manager at Kvdbil, who has taken a closer look at statistics from the Swedish Transport Agency and Vroom.

The statistics show that the most common A-tractor is a rebuilt Volvo or Nissan, such as the Nissan Navara pickup.

A growing trend is also to rebuild heavy trucks, including those from the Scania brand.

– As a result, the culture around A-tractors has also grown, which creates ripples in the water, continues Daniel Odsberg.

The municipalities with the most A tractors per 1,000 inhabitants in 2023

Municipality Number Per 1,000 inhabitants
Dorothea 80 34.1
Donkey 78 28.5
Wilhelmina 174 27.7
Steam 246 27
Yearling 232 23.5
Essunga 130 22.9
Norsjö 88 22.5
The Malung Seal 229 22.5
The river valley 154 22.2
Eda 189 22.2
Source: Kvdbil

These brands are most common among A tractors

Mercedes Benz
Source: Kvdbil

Increased age limit for A tractors

During the spring, an EU decision was hammered out to raise the age limit for A tractors from 15 to 16 years and to replace the AM driving license with a B1 driving license. You can read more about this here.

What’s the sickest A tractor you’ve seen? Comment!

Also read: Now a trial period is being introduced on the AM card – “Can cost SEK 7,000 extra”

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