Holiday period: more Dutch people with bad luck

Holiday period: more Dutch people with bad luck

The ANWB was very busy during the holiday period.

Well, the holiday season is over again. We are allowed to work as slaves for the boss again. Just kidding of course. The fact is that most of us are back after a period of reflection and rest. At least, if you have been stranded on the side of the road with bad luck, there is hardly any reflection and rest.

ANWB and the holiday period

Perhaps you were one of those Dutch people who had to deal with a breakdown on the way to your holiday destination or on the way home. An engine failure light, a flat tyre, you name it. The ANWB looks back on an extremely busy holiday period. The emergency centre saw a 5% increase in the number of car breakdown reports from abroad. In addition, 10% more requests were received for personal assistance, such as assistance in the event of illness abroad.

Problems with campers

The sale of caravans and campers has been popular in recent years. The ANWB also sees that this results in more breakdowns. The number of campers with breakdowns increased by no less than 46% compared to last year.


Where were all those Dutch people with breakdowns? Most breakdown reports during the past holiday period came from France, with Germany in second place and Italy in third place.

In some cases, the ANWB was able to send people on their way by telephone; in 6,700 cases this was the case. In addition, there were 24 Dutch roadside assistance active in the countries France, Italy and Spain who were able to repair almost 1,550 cars on location. In addition, the ANWB had to arrange more than 6,000 replacement cars for unlucky people whose car could not be repaired on the spot.

Dutch people with a situation are not only to be found in the well-known European holiday countries. The ANWB also received calls from Indonesia, Thailand and Egypt or Turkey, among others. These were mainly about requests for help or medical issues.


  1. Johanneke say

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a peak in the number of breakdowns now. The cars with 1st generation downsize blocks are now all 10+ years old and have more than 200,000 km on the counter. In addition, the Dutch fleet is getting older by the day, cars are getting more complex and heavier (more chance of flat tires).

  2. a_tube say

    Say, does it have to be a Saab every year, it’s a beautiful thing. From one of the editors?

  3. Hawkeye72 say

    Extremely high taxes on cars in the Netherlands = old fleet = more vulnerable during long journeys and hot weather = more breakdowns. Problem is simple.

    • b00st say

      Or people go on holiday abroad 5% more often.

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