Max Verstappen is wounded game

Max Verstappen is wounded game

Pfff. That’s never fun of course, when you’re seen as a wounded animal. Not even for Max Verstappen…

Hi, nice that you clicked on this article. That means that you are interested in what we are going to write. Probably because of the title, that Max Verstappen is seen as wounded game. Now you want to know by whom and by what.

And that’s a good thing, we’re going to tell you. He’s portrayed like that by none other than Lewis Hamilton. Yeah, you didn’t expect that, did you? You might have thought of Bolle Jos, or Jos with the loose hands. But no, it’s Lewis Hamilton who portrays Max Verstappen like a wounded animal.

Max Verstappen is wounded game

But portraying him as wounded game, what do you mean, dear friends of Car Whiz? Is he threatening with violence? With kidnapping Max’s stepdaughter’s rabbit? With puncturing the Verstappen family’s jet ski?

No, none of that. Max Verstappen is being threatened on the track. At least, that’s what Lewis Hamilton says. He warns that Mercedes will bring even more updates in the upcoming races and that they will become faster and faster. And that means Max and Lando Norris, who also received Lewis’ warning, will have to watch out.

So, the soup was not eaten as hot as it was served. It is not without reason that this has become a proverb. But we are grateful to you for clicking on this article.


  1. okay, bye say

    Time will tell. If I were MB I wouldn’t blow my own trumpet so soon.

  2. mashal say

    Nice Fabeltjeskrant writing style in the article, also very appropriate.

  3. no burman say

    This is a bit lame. You guys can do better (at least less lame).

  4. outlook say

    Merc is 144 (Russel) and 145 (Lewis) points behind Max. If Lewis wins the next 6 races and Max doesn’t score a single point, they’ll have him!

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