Renault 5 EV is already a huge success

Renault 5 EV is already a huge success

Who would have expected that: the Renault 5 EV is very popular, even before anyone has driven it a meter.

The 2024 Geneva Salon was not one to write home about. Fortunately, @rubenpriest did that, so we could still report on the fair. Renault and Dacia were there, plus some small brands and Chinese newcomers. Hopefully it was just a somewhat bad fair and it will come back successfully.

Renault is now experiencing that such a car show can still bear fruit. The French brand almost had the empire alone and went big. The absolute star of the show – besides our colleague Ruben – was the Renault 5 E-Tech electric.

Renault 5 EV success

This compact city car is a retro mobile with electric drive and is an absolute hit. Already! People are figuratively queuing up for the Renault 5 EV!

Renault 5 EV huge success

Of course, compared to the first generation Ford Mustang it is a bit disappointing, but don’t forget that the Renault 5 is not a dirt-cheap car. Oh, the competition is also really fierce. Think of cars like the Mini Cooper E, Peugeot E-208 and Fiat 500e. The combination of 300 km range for 25 grand and a nice bodywork seems to do it for people.

Renault 5 EV success

According to Renault chief Fabrice Cambolive, there is a real waiting list for the Renault 5. There are currently 50,000 candidates who have registered for the third generation Renault 5.

Luxury problem

According to Cambolive, this creates a luxury problem, because the order books will open in May and the first cars will be delivered in September this year. Cambolive says that enthusiasm is not the problem, but that production will have to be scaled up smoothly.

Renault 5 EV success
Renault 5 EV success

Fabrice Combolive expects that Renault will bring in a lot of foreign-brand drivers. In addition, owners of a Renault Zoe will also switch, as well as people with a Renault Clio.

Via: Automotive News Europe


  1. PrettyAwesome say

    Good for Renault!

  2. rollingstoned say

    “There are currently 50,000 candidates who have registered for the third generation Renault 5.”

    Apparently there is a market for nice, compact cars.

    • Jelmer S say

      and market for a compact EV without an overkill of horsepower

      • rollingstoned say

        That too indeed.

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