The Ford boss is self-critical about the quality problems

The Ford boss is self-critical about the quality problems

Several changes are underway to resolve Ford’s reliability issues. “We have made real progress,” says the CEO.

Ford would have had a much stronger position in the market today if the quality problems were already worked out when the company’s CEO Jim Farley took office in 2020. He said so himself at a conference in New York recently, according to Automotive News.

– I think we all regret things, and this is a big thing for me, he said.

Ford has several times ended up far down in surveys where the owners rate the operational reliability of their cars, and various types of warranty cases cost Ford enormous amounts.

Jim Farley has previously said that Ford left over 20 billion kroner in profit “on the table” due to various parts of the company being “dysfunctional”.

Ford boss Jim Farley has introduced a system where employee bonuses are linked to improved quality.

Now Ford is investing, among other things, in tying the employees’ bonus to improved quality and in carrying out a cultural shift within the company to raise the level.

– We’ve made real progress after implementing these changes, says Jim Farley.

In the Swedish market, Ford ended up just below the average car in terms of the owners’ rating of the car’s quality and features, according to last year’s edition of Car Whiz team’s consumer survey AutoIndex. Ford was one of the brands that lost the most overall in the AutoIndex and this is due, among other things, to changes among the dealers.

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