Volvo: We have solved the software problems in the EX90

Volvo: We have solved the software problems in the EX90

Volvo Cars manager Jim Rowan states that the bugs in the upcoming EX90 electric car must now be fixed.

Volvo has encountered software problems during the development of the EX90 electric car. But now Volvo Cars boss Jim Rowan states that they should be resolved.

– This is the most technically advanced car we have ever built, and I think it is one of the most technically advanced cars ever built at all. We want to make sure the car’s software was as good as it can be, he said during a question-and-answer session with investors last week.

According to Jim Rowan, it was in the interest of both the company and the customers to resolve the issues before deliveries began.

– Now I am happy to announce that the team has worked through this and that production will begin in the second quarter of 2024. So we are on track.

Volvo sees no reason to adjust prices for the EX30.

When asked how sales of the smaller EX30 electric car are going, Björn Annwall, who is commercial manager and vice president of Volvo Cars, answers:

– We see an extremely high demand for the EX30 at the price we set. We see no reason to adjust the price for it. In China, the price pressure on electric cars is very high. There we have a different strategy. We are a premium manufacturer and use EM90 and EX90 to position ourselves. The EX30 will play more of a niche role there.

Regarding the unrest in the Red Sea that affects deliveries from China, CFO Johan Ekdahl states that the company is not affected very much at the moment.

– We have a supply chain that has the ability to absorb various disturbances. We may see increased costs, but at the company level we don’t see it being that big.

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