Car Whiz Photo of the Month – August 2024

Car Whiz Photo of the Month – August 2024

The Car Whiz Photo of the Month for August has been announced, ladies and gentlemen.

The holiday spots campaign has ended, but we haven’t forgotten about the Photo of the Month. It’s high time to see who earns the €100 Kamera Express voucher with the best photo of the month.

This month, @Row1 will be part of the jury, because his photo of a Ferrari F50 was number one last month. And our regular jury member Eric van Vuuren will also be there. Here we go.

Third place: PAL-V Liberty

Thirdly, we have a first in this section, namely a flying car. @shotbythijn had the opportunity to photograph a PAL-V in the paper factory in Nijmegen.

Eric: “What a cool setting for this unique PAL-V! The light coming through the roof falls perfectly over the car (?) which also makes the special color stand out. Sharpness/depth has been used beautifully by taking something in the foreground and the overall post-processing makes the photo complete.”

Rowan: “This is a familiar location for me and that almost always produces nice pictures! This time too, the light falls perfectly on the subject and the composition is also successful, nicely off-center and a nice tight play of lines.”

Machiel: “The location has a bit of a hangar vibe, which is of course a fitting setting for a flying car. Thijn has worked very nicely with light and shadow, by positioning the Pal-V under the window. The orange color also stands out nicely in the gray surroundings. All in all a slick picture, with very little to criticize.”

Second place: BMW M3 E46

@duderino spontaneously decided to take some pictures with his M3, after he had to drop someone off at Rotterdam Airport early in the morning. That turned out really well.

Machiel: “Sunrise and fog is always a beautiful combination, so @duderino was at the right place at the right time. It makes for a very atmospheric picture. The glow of the headlights seems to come from a slightly wet or dirty (phone) lens, but that just enhances the atmosphere. And with symmetrical composition you can never go wrong.”

Eric: “Probably an iPhone photo, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun. The timing, positioning and composition are perfect… The early morning mist also makes the lights stand out perfectly, this must have been a great start to the day!”

Rowan: “Perfect setting for some nice shots, especially with such a beautiful BMW. Unfortunately I miss a polarizing filter here and the lens seems to be dirty (smears).”

First Place: Mazda RX-7

Tristan aka @trisjphotography went out with a Mazda RX-7 and that resulted in a very nice series. Including the winning photo of this month!

Eric: “I once had the good fortune to film a Mazda 767B, to this day I still sometimes wake up in shock when I think back to the sound! Full of enthusiasm I asked the driver in question if he wanted to overtake us during a car2car recording… the sound was so deafeningly loud that I walked around for a week with ringing ears. This RX7 may not sound as loud as a Le Mans race car, but the rotary engine must have roared enormously during this tunnel run. Due to the low position and use of a longer shutter speed, the blue Japanese car pops fantastically… there is just the right amount of sharpness on the car while the surroundings are wonderfully blurred. Top photo.”

Machiel: “A well-executed rolling shot is always cool, but Tristan has managed to give it an extra dimension. The speed is palpable and the wide lens enhances the effect even more. The contrast between the blue of the car and the warm tones of the surroundings makes this RX-7 pop. The tunnel also contributes nicely to the composition. This is a photo that the owner of this car can be very happy with.”

Rowan: “What an amazing shot, it’s not easy to take such a tight photo with a slow shutter speed. So compliments for that. The tunnel also helps to pull you right in the direction of the subject. The color of the car also stands out nicely, making it impossible to miss.”

This photo has been unanimously chosen as the Car Whiz Photo of the Month. @trisjphotography will receive the €100 Kamera Express gift voucher at home, congratulations!

This month there is of course a new round, where we again have a voucher for the winner. So share your photos on Car Whiz Spots, then you automatically participate!


  1. nitpicking say

    I find the place 3 photo of the PAL-V the most successful, the other two (photo in the middle, some surroundings around it) are fairly standard compositions. When I read the reasoning for the first place photo, it is apparently interesting for ‘experts’ of the technique of photography. For average amateur viewers like yours truly photo 3 is more attractive.

  2. Tristan the Hunter say

    How cool to win! Thank you so much for the kind words!

    And my ears still hurt indeed Eric :p

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