THG: Tesla grants Supercharger credit

How Tesla drivers benefit from GHG quota trading
THG: Tesla grants Supercharger credit

Recently, the GHG premium for electric cars plummeted. But for Tesla owners, there is a worthwhile alternative to classic quota trading: the electric car manufacturer offers a GHG credit at the Supercharger.

Tesla offers its customers a special form of GHG premium Anyone who transfers their quota to the US manufacturer will receive a generous electricity flat rate on the Supercharger network. Currently, this has a significantly higher value than the usual premiums paid through agencies and energy suppliers be announced.

When the GHG quota was first applied to electric cars, it was an attractive way for their owners to earn extra money: they could receive up to 420 euros in 2022, the first year of the GHG premium. Then it plummeted dramatically. Currently, a maximum of 105 euros is possible. The main reason for this is apparently criminal activities abroad, which are carried out via fraudulent projects to reduce CO2 emissions.2-Reduction of millions of euros.

Electricity bonus for twelve months

For Tesla owners, however, there is a lucrative alternative. The manufacturer offers its customers a special deal for GHG quota trading: Anyone who transfers the quota to the company receives free electricity on Tesla Supercharger for 3,000 kilometers of driving distance. Drivers of other brands are excluded from the deal. Registration takes place directly on the Tesla website. The electricity bonus can be claimed up to twelve months after the credit is issued.

The calculation is based on the standard consumption values ​​(according to WLTP). For example, if you take the official consumption of a Tesla Model 3 Based on the basic version “Standard Range”, it would be 15.7 kWh per 100 km = 471 kWh (click here for the real consumption values ​​of electric cars). With a current Supercharger electricity price of 0.43 euros per kilowatt hour, the credit is currently worth around 200 euros. Almost twice as much as with conventional quota trading.

Tesla Insurance

With the electricity flat rate for their GHG quota, Tesla drivers can draw free energy from the Supercharger for quite a long time.

Image: DPA

It is currently unclear whether and when the quota will recover. It should actually increase from year to year. From six percent in 2021, in order for the oil companies to reduce their CO2emissions to 25 percent by 2030.

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